2. 1863

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"Papa, wake up, Papa," Sophia said jumping on my bed. 

I grabbed her causing her to squeal. 

"Sophia what did I tell you about jumping on my bed?" I asked. 

She tapped her chin to pretend to think about it. 

"Don't do it but Uncle Stefy told me to wake you up, and I didn't know other way to do it," Sophia said. 

I laughed and started to tickle her causing her to giggle. 

"P-Papa stop," She said.

 I stopped and picked her up and carried her downstairs to the dining room. 

When I walked in I seen Stefan and Father sitting at the table. I sit down next to Stefan and set Sophia on my lap. 

"Good Morning Stefan, Father," I say feeding Sophia some pancakes. 

"Good Morning Damon and to you to 'Phia," Stefan said, tickling Sophia's stomach. 

"Good Morning Damon," Father said. 

"Daddy can I go play in the garden?" Sophia asked. 

I shake my head and she hops of my lap and runs out the door.

Sophia always felt uncomfortable around him. 

"Why do you hate her so much?" I asked when Sophia is out of ear shot. 

"She is a mistake."


"Damon," Stefan says.

 "No Stefan, you can say whatever you want but never talk about my daughter with any disrespect," With that I leave. 

When I walk out I see Sophia crying on the steps. I run to her and hold her in my arms. It breaks my heart when I see her cry.

"Daddy am I mistake?" She askes through her tears. 

I let go of her and kneel down to her height and cup her face to make her look at me. 

"Sweetheart you are the best thing to ever come into my life, don't listen to him, you are no a mistake, don't ever think otherwise," I say wiping her tears away. 

She nod her head and hugs me. 

"I love you papa," Sophia says. 

"I love you to, now lets go get you cleaned up and we can go out," I say wiping the lingering tears. 

She nods and I pick her up and take her upstairs.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We were playing outside when Stefan came outside.

 "Damon Father wants to speak to you in his office," Stefan says. I nod.

 "Sophia," I call. She comes over to where me and Stefan were. 

"Yes," Sophia says. 

"Uncle Stefan is going to play with you for a while," I say bending down to her height. 

"Ok Papa, come on Uncle Stefy let's go play hide and seek," She says literally dragging him into the garden, I laugh and goes to father's office. 

When I arrive I knock on the door. I hear him say come in, so I open the door.

 "Stefan said you wanted to speak to me," I say standing in the doorway. 

"Yes, have a seat," He says gesturing to the chair in front of him.

 When I sit down he puts papers in front of me, I furrow my brows confused on what these are for. 

"What is this for?" I ask. 

"These are enlistment papers," He say folding his hands on top of his desk. 

"Why are you giving me these?" I asked 

"I want to you to enlist," He  replied.

 "No, no I'm not doing that," I say throwing the papers back on his desk. 

"You will Damon," He said. 

"I'm not leaving Sophia, she's 3 , she already lost her mother she can't lose me too," I say. 

"You are doing this end of discussion," He shouted. I walked out of the room. The moment I step out I heard the laugh of my daughter and Stefan. When she saw me she ran into my arms. 

"Daddy," She said. 

"Hi princess, how about you go up to your play room, I need to talk to Uncle Stefan," I said raising her to my arms.

 "Why?" She askes. 

"It's grown up stuff," I said

 "Fine," Sophia pouted and wiggling signaling me that she wants to get down. 

"I'll be in there after I'm finished with Stefan," I say kneeling down to her level. 

She nods and gives me a kiss on the cheek with makes me smile and she runs up to her play room. 

I stand up straight and walk into the living room, sitting down on the couch running my hands over my face. 

"What's wrong Damon?" Stefan asked.

 "He wants me to enlist," I answer. 

"Why would he do that?" He askes. 

"I don't know Stef, I don't what I'm going to do, I don't want to leave Sophia," I say sighing heavily. 

"What ever you decide, I'll be here for you, if you decide to go I'll take car of Sophia," Stefan said rubbing my back.

"Stefan what if I do go, and I die then Sophia would've lost both of her parents she'll be all alone," I say. 

"No she won't she's gonna have me," He says.

 "Stefan, I don't want to go but I'm afraid what he's going to do if I don't," I say.

 "Then go Damon, I'll be here for her, I'll take care of her," Stefan assured me. 

"But how do I tell her? How will be able to tell my 3 year old that I'll be leaving her and not sure I'm coming back?" I asked.

"I don't know Damon but you have to, if now then soon," Stefan said and walk away. 

I sit there thinking about I will tell Sophia I will be leaving here for, God knows how long. 

"Papa," Sophia said breaking me out of my thoughts.

 "Are you ok?" She askes me. I pull her up to my lap. 

"I'm fine sweetie," I say giving a small smile. 

"Well Uncle Stefan said dinners ready," She said with her sweet voice.
After dinner I took Sophia to get cleaned up and ready for bed. Right now I was brushing her hair. 

"Sophia," I said in serious tone. 

She turned biting the inside of her cheeks, she does when she thinks she's in trouble. I bend down to her level grabbing her hands. 

"I have to go away soon," I say.

 "Where are you going?" She askes. 

"Daddy has to fight very bad people to protect you and Uncle Stefan," I said. 

"Please don't go Papa," She says with tears brimming her eyes. 

I wipe her tears away and give her a small smile. 

"When I come back I will never leave you again," I say. 

"Promise," Sophia says holding out her pinky, I wrap me pinky around hers, 

"Promise," I say. 

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