i'm bleeding tears and lies you stole

54 12 29

the long nights are always the hardest, writing songs about the man you used to be. who we used to be. you tell me you're sorry but i've seen many an actor before. i see right through you. even though i wish i did not. it's all i can do to keep from breaking down. i can't quite remember how forgetting goes. love is so short in exchange for a lifetime of painful memories. run me through with your knives, your nails ripping my skin to shreds. i gave you my love, you gave me your blood. the web of lies we weave is delicate and ugly and beautiful all at once. the world wasn't ready for us and neither were you. i'm writing these words for eyes that will never read them or care. if you ever had a heart you kept it well hidden, and it's moved on from me, that's for damn sure.

thanks for the memories.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя