callused fingers and the pretty little lies in your eyes

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i am made of clumsy fingers and dark chocolate, words whispered on a hot summer night, heart in your hands, a summer we never spoke of, the warm breath of your laugh on my cheek. i said i could survive on one call, one word, one glance but really what i meant to say was that i want your electric kiss, your midnight, your years 'til they run out and the well runs dry. some days the pain and heat is so bad i pick up the phone and dial your number, so familiar to me. i almost call. i almost tell you how much i miss you, but you're already a ghost, and if i thought it would help i would cry out for love but our love has already faded into the searchlights of this lost city. i dreamed of waking up next to your eyes. how do i forget the slow, melodious dance of our hearts? the dance that became fast and loud and all-consuming until our souls are entwined and i don't know where you end and i begin. under skies of honey and clouds stretched out like taffy, pulling apart my insides so you can see right into my heart. do you like what you find? i wonder. i wonder what i am to you, just a jumble of words or someone who's only fragments in your memory. i overthink things, can you tell? i'm overthinking this. you. whatever the hell we are when it's dark and our bodies are pressed close. you don't know what to do next. shy. i always loved that about you. i always loved you...i promise your love is the only pain i ever crave. sometimes all i dream of is your eyes and sometimes all i want to do is cry.

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