Benjamin Cobalt's start.

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Benjamin Cobalt- age 33 clinic patient.

"Benjamin Cobalt, your next. Did you fill out all the forms necessary?" Said an unknown woman. I looked at her and then looked back down at my papers trying to get the courage to say something back. "Yes, I did." I said a few seconds later.

I stood up and walked over to the testing room door and handed the unknown woman the folder of papers. I walked through the door and there was a long hallway ahead of me.

I started to walk down the hallway, I would look into the windows along the side walls, most of them were black and empty rooms on the left side. But on the right side there were big open lab rooms. Most of them were empty except for the 3 at the end of the hallway. The last three rooms were all different in their own ways.

The first one had lots of filing cabinets along the walls and it didn't necessarily look like a testing lab, more of a waiting room. It had yellow walls and of course 'Syntec' labels EVERYWHERE.

The second room was bigger, and it had lots of boxes and barrels and tables inside. The room had a weird blue haze. There were also some people, they were wearing white hazmat suits and these weird masks. They were black with red eye lights and yellow tubes, the people talking in the room sounded weird and were constantly having to put a new tube of something into their mask, like a refill. I wondered if that is what my life was going to be next, if I were to go through with these tests.

The last room was really big and there were a bunch of people inside, people like me. I stood outside the window trying to be as un-noticeable as possible. I saw this one girl, she looked to be somewhat younger than me. I kept my eye on her as I watched the room. She handed her paperwork to another masked man, and he pointed her to a seat. There were 3 more masked men around the seat, one had a very large injection gun.

When she saw the gun, she was about 4 feet away from it and stopped where she was. She turned and looked back around at the first masked man and started to walk back towards the door. The first masked man looked at the other 3 as they all started to run towards her.

She began to speed up as she realized they were after her. The door was still unlocked as she bursted through it and darted down the hallway, dropping her file. I grabbed it, she didn't notice she had been too busy running for her life. 

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