📝Dear Diary📝 (Chapter one)

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It was the night of my life well..... it could have been, until we got drunk... Is that a bad thing?.... I mean despite the fact that we were still kind of minors. Ahh shit... Well where do i start. Ah.. That night was actually amazing. Tori the head cheerleader invited us to her huge mansion party, that house was huge, every room had a bathroom and i was honestly kinda jealous. Oh i almost forgot. Since you are my new diary i have to introduce myself ofcorse. Hello there I am Patryk i am the the co-captain to the red riot (its a reference) soccer team, its a wierd name i suppose, but we have the devil representing us sooo... Yeh, thats cool i guess. Anyway you are probably asking yourself, how does a jock like you have an incie wincie diary like me, well you see i always like to write dumb shit in my diaries, and you are no exception, but i guess i sort of forget stuff really easily so this is my way of remembering stuff. Oh and were going back to the story if you don't mind. It was night, Paul, my really close friend, had taken us in his old dusty pickup truck, its junk basically but somehow Paul made it workable? I guess thats how you say it. We were really hiped for this party probably because Tori is the most richest girl in our grade and we knew there was probably free pizza there. We got in the car, there was me, Paul who was driving, i was in the front ofcourse because i am his best friend >:) and Tord and Edd were in the back probably making out or something, just joking if Tord found out that i know about his crush on Edd he will kill me! So don't utter a word, okey? Anyway we got to the party and it was... Well breathtaking, do you know those homes that always go above and beyond on Christmas decorations well this was that house, it had fary lights everywhere, on the roof in the garden even in the tree, i say everywhere!! There was probably some in the toilet :/ . We get into the house, outside was cool but inside was even more amazing, there was pool tables everywhere, a pool, and our promised pizza was sitting on the kitchen counter with even more food and drinks and there even was a bowling ring, like how ?? But we went to the kitchen knowing what exactly we were looking for, the mission for the free pizza and we found it and ate it like the beasts we were, well... until Tori half drunk hanging onto Matilda for dear life, that poor girl, gave us drinks and like the cheepskates we were we gladly excepted them, Paul being the more alcoholic type being a close second to the bass player Tom. We chugged them all.... And well my vision got blurred and i woke up snuggling next to Pauls chest in one of the guest rooms of Toris house, aww shit. And the worst part is that i was naked in my boxers so basically we could have done it, and now i am just confused, he isn't talking to me and looks red in the face whenever we see eachother. And the biggest problem is that my heart flutters every time i see him to and i can't stop thinking of him. Damn those bushy eyebrows. Oh shit my moms asking me to help her with dinner gotta go... Still gonna think about him ahhh...



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