"You worry too much," Tentadora cooed, cupping Styx's face in her hands.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, WOMAN!" Styx raged, waving her hands away. Straightening up, he pointed a warning finger at Damian's nanny and snapped, "As Damian's caretakers, we are responsible for him—and it will be OUR heads if he is caught."

"I know that! But things are fine," Tentadora reassured the major. "He's really happy on Earth! You know it's good for him!"

"Yes," Styx conceded. "But I do not think it is wise to push things! What about his tutor here?!"

"Daxler is never going to catch on," Tentadora pointed out disdainfully.


"Now boy," the Wendigo demon known as Daxler babbled to what was clearly a doll of Damian and not the real thing, "can you tell me what key elements are known to make up Hell's surroundings?"

The doll, of course, did not respond.

"Yes! Correct! Fire and brimstone, indeed!" Daxler exclaimed gleefully. "Brilliant, my boy!"


"Well, his father is looking for him now," Styx growled at Tentadora. "So he must come home. Where is he?"

"Gimme a mo," Tentadora responded, rolling her eyes. "I need new batteries first. Then we can both fetch him."

"Fine! Meet me in the hall."

Tentadora retreated into her door and slammed the door shut.

Styx scowled, turning and grumbling, "Vile woman..."

Suddenly, a pair of pale white hands clapped over the major's eyes, and a raspy voice asked, "Guess who, Styx?"

Styx immediately pulled away, recognizing the voice (and the hands) and snapping, "Do NOT touch me, Bozzwick! Juvenile!"

Bozzwick chuckled and leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "So I heard the head honcho is lookin' fer Damian," he remarked in a sneer. "He sure goes missing a lot, huh?"

"He is most likely wandering someplace he shouldn't!" Styx harrumphed, crossing his own arms.

"Uncle Styx!"

Major Styx stiffened and spun around, seeing three Hell Sprits sitting at his feet with eager grins on their faces. "Where is Damian?" the cyclopean one in the middle asked.

"All of you, STOP ASKING ME THINGS!" Styx raged, frustrated.

"General Major Styx."

Styx scowled as Hilda, the Head of House, approached with a disapproving look on her eyeless face. "Do not yell at the children for asking a simple question," she scolded Styx.

"They are not children!" Styx screamed as the Sprites began climbing all over him. "They are brats!!!"

"Alright Styx, let's head on upstairs and get Damian from the 'evil' surface an'—"

Tentadora stopped as she stepped out of the room.

Hilda, Bozzwick, and the Sprites stared at her in shock.

"—oorrllllffsssshhh..." Tentadora mumbled, trying to muffle her words—but far too late.

"He's on the surface?" Bozzwick asked, raising an eyebrow as Styx covered his face with a groan.

1. P R E V I O U S L Y : On "ZooPhobia"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora