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"HAHAHA! Oh my god!" Damian cackled.

It was later that day, and Damian, Sahara, their best friend Addison, two wolves named Leonardonardo and Vincent, and Sahara's foster brother Quintin were gathered in the film club room.

"That reminds me of the time I tricked my cousin into asking out a pyromaniac!" Damian crowed gleefully. "She ended up setting him on fire! It was hilarious!"

"Sounds kinda familiar, eh, Vince?" Leonardo said teasingly, nudging his twin brother with an elbow.

"Heheh... I told you never to speak of that again," Vincent replied through a forced grin.

"" Addison remarked in a tone that could've either been serious or painfully sarcastic.

"Oh hey, Dame," Vincent piped up, "did you bring the snacks?"

"Aw, crap!" Damian groaned, frowning. "I think I left them at home!"

Sahara scoffed. "Typical."

"Not to worry!" Damian told her reassuringly. "My nanny is prol'ly bringing them now! She's always on top of things I forget."

"Pffffft!" Leonardo sputtered as Vincent began to snicker. "You still got a nanny?!" The twins burst out laughing while Damian scowled.

"So when's the help arriving?" Vincent sneered, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, Daaa-miaaaaaaan! You left your little snacks at home, baby!"

Every head in the room turned at the sing-songy voice.

Standing in the doorway was a curvaceous woman with pink hair, pink eyes, and a pink dress, carrying a bag with the words "Snax for my Face" written on it.

Leonardo, Vincent, and Quintin gawked at the woman, their jaws dropping to the floor.

"You need to be careful with the carelessness, sweetie!" the woman crooned. She sashayed over to Damian and handed him the bag. "Here are your little snacks."

"Thanks, Tenta," Damian said gratefully. Then he let out a cry of protest as the woman pulled him into her bosom and kissed him on the forehead. "Tenta! You're embarrassing me!" he wailed.

"Sorry, baby!" The woman—"Tenta"—released Damian and gushed, "You have fun now with your little friends!" Then she spun around and vanished in a burst of glittering pink dust.

Leonardo turned back to Damian as Vincent's tongue lolled out of his mouth. "DUDE!" the former exclaimed. "Damian! Your nanny is fiiine! 'H-O-T' FINE!"

"Ew! Gross, Lenny! That woman raised me," Damian said, disgusted.

Vincent bobbed his eyebrows. "Lucky b-----d."

"You should tell them about how she forgets to get dressed in the morning," Addison told Damian teasingly. "They'd love that..."

"Shut up, Addison!" Damian snapped.


P.O.V. – Tentadora

Tentadora rematerialized in the castle, only to hear her name barked out the moment she did so. Looking down, she saw Major Styx looking up at her with an enraged expression. "Where is the Dark Prince?!" he shrieked.

"He's at his little school film club!" Tentadora replied flippantly, rubbing Styx's head affectionately. "You know that, Pixie Styx!"

"He's still attending the club?!" Styx cried. "It's bad enough he's attending the school! But if he misses appointments with his parents for "clubs", they'll find out what's going on for sure!"

1. P R E V I O U S L Y : On "ZooPhobia"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora