Chapter 1: The birth of cutie pie

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Mammals such as metatherians and some eutherian mammals reproduce in a way similar to marsupials.

They have a pouch, which holds one tiny underdeveloped creature. The creature in this case is cutie pie. 

He started out small, smaller than a hair pin, but don't be fooled. He's going to grow big one day, and this is simply how he began his journey. Like marsupials, cutie pie's first moments were spent crawling into his mothers pouch with his grasping paws. Safe, warm, and comfortable, cutie pie won't have to leave this place for at least 5 months. After 5 months, he would be too big for the pouch, and after 9 months, he would have to live all by himself.

But for now, this is where he would stay.

And he wouldn't want it any other way.

Cutie Pie New beginnings: The Start of It allOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora