The assassment

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Haseo is sitting in his history class. The teacher, sir Schneidel, is talking about the great sword Excalibur and how this sword had founded a new king. Haseo was very average when it comes to his marks, but his history is his worst. He can't keep concetrating nor is he the kind who would be interested in what others had accomplished. When Haseo was staring out the window his teacher dropped a question directed at him. "When did king Arthur slay the dragon? After he got Excaliber or before?" Haseo knew he was in trouble. He either answered correctly and his teacher would scold him for looking away, or the teacher would scold him for getting it wrong. Either way Haseo would get scolded. So he went with the flow and answered: "After he got Excalibur sir Schneidel" The teacher grimmly looks at Haseo and quickly continues with his lesson. Did he get it right? Haseo was confused, but went with the flow. Haseo thought it would be best left be.

After a short while, the bell rung. It was time for lunch, Haseo's favourite moment of the day. You aren't hungry like breakfest or diner, yet you can eat all the good stuff you want, but Haseo is more interested in what day it is. Every Wednesday there is a special item on the menu: the ryu burger, a Wednesday miracle. There is one down side. A school with more then a thousand students is trying to sell special burgers to only ten people. It's not so much a miracle as it is a slaughter, but if you manage to get your hand on it, the struggle would be well worth the effort of killing your classmates for a piece of meat between a bun. Haseo had mapped out the safest route between te crowd over the year. There are some points where there would be fights. Haseo tried to avoid these points at all costs, but today the crowd acted different. Classes 2B and 3C switched classrooms. The third year students from 3C are usally the ones to pick a fight, because of the switch the entire crowd got scrambled. Haseo tried to sneak past the second years, but soon realised that they seemed thougher then usual. He accidentally bumped into the third year student Fried, the most hot-tempered student at school. He knew he had done it now. Today he didn't avoid a fight, he made one. "Hey kiddo what do you think you are doing?" Haseo gasped as Fried looked at him with a huge grim on his face. He wasn't in it for food. "I'm trying to get to the counter like the rest of the us." As soon as Fried grabbed his weapon the counterlady shouted: "We're all sold out, see you next time!" Haseo had no more reason to stay and quickly ran away. Fried looked back only to see the back of the crowd.

Haseo went to his usual hangout where he would meet his friends. Joel, a second year student witch, and Renshin, a third year student pikesman. Joel looked up at Haseo and greeted him. "Hey there Haseo, you look like you had a though time today." Haseo looked at joel. "It could be worse." Joel snickers. "Guess what I got for us today? It starts with an r." Haseo started glaring at her arms which she tried to hold on her back. "No way, it couldn't be. How did you get ryu burgers? You can't even fight." Renshin just ate the last piece of his burger without Haseo noticing. "Haseo, are you prepared for the big event?" Haseo looks at Renshin and shrugs. "I don't prepare for anything, why should I start to now?" Renshin laughs. "You are quite the one, I wonder who your partner will be. She has got to be just as odd as you are." Joel looks anxious. "Are you sure you'll be alright today? The assassment can be quite harsh. Whoever they pick to be your partner will be your partner for life." Haseo smirks as the bell rings "I'm gonna do fine, just watch me."

The castle like school has an enormous yard surrounded by a beautiful rose garden. It's afternoon and the school yard is crowded with students. On the set up wooden stage stands the head of the school, lord Onimaru, who will begin his speech. "Good afternoon my students, we have all been awaiting this very moment, the moment that you all will become ketsugou fighters. Today your limits will be tested and compared to create the most conforming pairs. This is the first step to becoming ketsugou ryuhito the ultimate title this school can give you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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