"Ma'am, we need to get your parents bodies now" One of the nurses asked

Y/N nodded in response and pull out from the bag and see that the bags are now, in the ambulance and see them drove away.

When she look to the corner she saw the police, took the driver of the truck

"Sirs, we can talk about this, I can say sorry and you can let me go, Please sirs" The driver said but the police ignored him and keep him dragging

Y/N's blood was boiling when she heard the driver say those words

She walk to them, her aunt was supposed to stop her but she know, she needed to do this

"Talk?, Do you really think we can talk about this and you can be freed?" Y/N said in harsh tone

The police look at her shock, she's only 12 years old but she can talk like this

"Uhhh, who are you?" The driver said in a annoying voice

Y/N's blood is boiling hot than a boiling water

"I am the daughter of the couple that you killed today" Y/N scream in tears

The driver is shocked

"Because of you, I lose my parents, because of you I didn't even had a chance to say goodbye to the properly" Y/N yelled at the driver

She know that she's just a kid, but she can't control her self, she wanted to punch the driver so badly, her fists are already hardened and round enough to give the driver a black eye but her aunt saw this and immediately hold her hand

She softened a bit, and continue talking

"I may still be a kid, but I know what happened and what I saw, I saw that my family die without by my side," Y/N's voice is started to crack"because of your reckless driving my family died, because of you, I became an orphan"


Y/N will never forget that day, she vow that she won't forgive that truck driver or even forget what happened.

When the bodies are now needed to be buried, she spoke her last words to them

"I love you mom, I love you dad, hope you'll be happy up there, I'm sure going to miss you so much"

Y/N were in tears when she speak those words, she just can't believe and accept this. But she know she needed to.

When the mass is finish and her parents are already buried, there are cops that talk to her

"Ms. Now that your parents have passed, we want to know if you have any relatives "

Y/N looked at her aunt and answer the Police

"I'll stay with my aunt, she's my mom's best friend--" The police cut Y/N

"But are they blood related?" The cop ask

Y/N shook her head to say 'no'

"Well we need to take you to the orphanage, you're still a minor and needed to have guardians" The cop said

Her aunt heard this and head to the cops

"Sirs. I am a Head of an orphanage so can I take my niece there?" Her aunt ask

"As long she's at the orphanage and someone could adopt her" The cop said

Her aunt nodded and the cops head back

"Why couldn't you just adopt me?" Y/N asked

"I have dreamed about your mom and she said she will say on who will adopt you" Her aunt explained

"But why not you, your mom's best friend right?"
Y/N said

"I am but your mom wants you to feel free, if I become your adopted mom it will be hard for the both of us" Her aunt said

Y/N nodded and the both of them head to the car to start to fix her things back home


Preston And Brianna (AU) - Needs Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now