Chapter 12: Kung Fu Master

Start from the beginning

I was fascinated when Greyson press a button on his table and his full glass wall made a whirring sound and a door magically appears.

"This door really fascinates me." I said in wonder.

"You're not the first one who said that." Greyson replied.

"Who said that first?" I ask curiously.

"My mom." He replied.

I look up at him and ask "Can we put this door thing on the shelter?"

Greyson furrow his eyebrows and said "I don't think it's a good idea Precious. People might get confuse on where is the entrance."

I nodded in agreement.
"Your right. Even I can see myself banging my head on that thing."

"That's the more reason to not install that door." Greyson emphasized

We went out of the office and I saw Sir. Kurt in his office.

I untanggle my hand from Greyson's hold and run towards Sir Kurt.

Sir Kurt's eyes widen when he saw me coming towards him.
"Sir Kurt! I would like to say thank you for helping me to find Greyson. We are eating outside. Would you like to come with us?" I excitedly ask.

Sir Kurt already wide eyes impossibly widened more when he look behind me.

I look back and I saw Grayson looking at his shoes.

I look back at Sir Kurt and saw that he is sweating like Miss Lorna.

He did not poop as well?

It's a bigger problem than I thought.

"Uhmm Miss Sunshine. Thank you for the offer but I already ate."

I nodded in understanding  and thank him again.

Before I turn around I said seriously. "Sir Kurt you need to go to the restroom. It's bad to hold it in." Sir Kurt look at me confused.

After I said that, I went back to Greyson's hold.

We rode the elevator I use this morning.

Like this morning I wrap my arms around Greyson's arms. This elevator thing still scares me.

To my surprise Greyson removes his hand from my hold and he instead hugged me tightly. His one arm around my waist. The other arm is around my shoulder protectively. He mush my face to his muscled chest.
I wrapped my thin arms around his trimmed waist.

When I heard a robotic voice that we  arrive at the ground floor I tried to escape from his hold because people might think we are weird.

The key word is tried.

His grip did not lessen. He just shift our postion and he is now hugging my side.

We walk like that.

I saw the people on this floor gaping at us.

I smiled at them brightly. I even wave at some of them. All this people looked at me like I am crazy.

They're not wrong. I might be already crazy.

I got excited when I saw Sir Hulks outside.

This time I escape Greyson's hold and run to the first Sir Hulk who help me.

I tug Sir Hulk sleeves and said "Thank you Sir Hulk!" He nodded at me.

Nope. Not enough.

I tug his sleeves again and he bent down. I hugged him which made him stiffen. He just tap my back 3 times.

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