Chapter 10

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2 days later I finally got the letters from Uncle Moony and my father back. It was breakfast and I was eating when Midnight flew in and landed on my shoulder. I untied both the letters and have him some toast. He flew away again. I opened the one on the left first.

Dear Heaven,

It has been a while hasn't it? Well I did hear about you getting into the Triwizard Tournament, scared the daylights out of me. I couldn't watch you because there was a full moon the day before and I was recovering. Though I read all about it in the Daily Prophet, congratulations on landing 1st place.

I know you will do great when you dance. George how you say? Does your father know? I've met George, seems like a good guy. He better be or I'll have to go to Azkaban for Murder. Your life does not suck. About the egg, I know you'll crack it. Have faith in yourself. I am also doing good. Believe in yourself that is the key, I had Midnight drop off some chocolate in your dorm. Enjoy! It's from my secret stash. Miss you too, love you bunches!

Love, Uncle Moony

I smile at his letter, I loved him a lot. He was the best uncle, even though he was a werewolf. I didn't care he was so much fun to be around. He was my father figure for years. He's visit me and my mother all the time and bring chocolate too. I open the next letter from my dad.

Hey Heaven,

Glad you got the chance to write to me. It's has been a while since we talked. How is school? Heard about the tournament. You'll do great I know it hunny! Happy that you made 1st place! That's amazing! The Hungarian Horntail huh? Those are a wild bunch, I'm glad your ok. The Yule Ball you say? Well do you have a date? Am I going to have to hex him? Is he nice? Does he treat you like a queen? Is he smart? What house is he in? I better not be a grandfather this young. If so, your going to be a single mom because your boyfriend will be dead. Is you dress beautiful? What does it look like? You better send me pictures.

I love you, Dad

I laugh at his letter, I lean towards George, he looks at it. He chuckles when he reads it. "He love you." He says to me, "Yeah I know." I say with a big smile on my face. "Ready for the Yule Ball tomorrow?" I ask him, "Yeah, maybe. I can dance now!" I laugh, "Yes you worked hard and it paid off." He smiles and pecks my lips. When I was done eating I went to my common room doing some work. After about 2 hours I was done, I had written back to Uncle Moony and my dad.

I was bored so I thought I could go to Hagrid's place. I made my way over slowly, enjoying the fresh, cold air against my face, the wind freezing my nose and making my cheeks red. I knocked on his big door, he answered just a minute later. "Well 'ello 'er 'eaven, wha' can I do for yer?" I shrug my shoulders. He lets me in, I sit on his big seat for his table. "I'll make yer som' tea." I nod, a few minutes later he sets a big glass of tea. "Wha' wrong 'Eaven?" I sigh and look him in the eyes.

"You won't tell anyone. "Well no, no' unless 'u wa't me ter." "I don't." "Ok, en, 'u can tell me." I take a deep breath and tell him what has been bothering me for a while now, I also tell him about my Draco interaction last night. "But the thin is he was raised like this, it isn't his fault he is like this. It is Lucious fault and Narcissa's. He was raised without love and compassion. He was raised to believe love is a weakness and around darkness. He's my cousin and I want to help him, I know it may seem bizarre with everything he has done but it isn't his fault. I told him I would give him a warning if he picks on my friends and casls Hermione a Mudblood but I he does it more then once I won't be happy."

He doesn't say anything, "I'm an awful person." "No yer no'. I do thin' Draco need's some o'e. Yer jus' need ter be care'ul." I nod, "Thank you for letting me talk. It helps a lot." "Well any 'ime 'eaven." I smile and finish my tea. "Well, the tea was great Hagrid thank you." I put it in the sink. He gets up and sets his cup in the sink. I hug him, making him shocked but he soon hugs me back.

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