Chapter 5

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Everyone looks at me. "No. No there must be a mistake." I say, someone helps me up. I look and see Harry. He had concern written in his eyes. He helps me to the teachers as I try backing away. "Please Harry stop." He gives up and picks me up carrying me to the back when we get there I stand up.

"Heaven! Did you put your name in the goblet! Did you!?" Dumbledore yells pushing me back, "No! No I swear! Dumbledore I can't do this." I shake my head. I look at the champions. Cedric comes over, "What happened?" He asks, "My name it came out of the goblet. Cedric please believe me I didn't do this." "I know. I know." He hugs me. Barty Crouch comes. "You can't make her participate she's only 14." Professor McGonagall says, "Uh, 15." I whisper though she heard me.

"I'm sorry but the rules clearly say if a name is chosen they must participate. As of tonight Heaven Black is a champion. My knees went weak as I almost fell, Cedric and Harry catch me. "No. No. No! No!" I put my hands on my head, a few minutes later I was hyperventilating, tears have gone silent. "She's hyperventilating." I rock back and forth, "Someone get Madam Pomfrey!" Professor McGonagall said. Harry sprints out of the room.

"Hey, Heaven hey. Look at me." Cedric moves in front of me. "Look. I'll be by your side through this whole thing. Though your smarter then me you might have to help me." My lip twitches. "Now I might not be as understanding as the whole school, by I'll be there and so will Harry, Ron, Fred, and George." I shake my head. Harry comes back with Madam Pomfrey. She crouches in front of me. "Heaven I need you to take this potion." I dot look at her but I take the lotion and down it, not even gagging. I calmed down instantly, and soon my world went black.

Harry's P.O.V.

She passes out within a minute. "Let's get her to the hospital wing." Madam Pomfrey said. Cedric picks her up. Her wand falls to the ground. I take that as we all walk out, the teachers behind us but Madam Pomfrey in front. "What happened!?" "She had a panic attack and passed out." Cedric says. Hermione, running over with Ron, Fred and George. Everyone stares at the passed out Heaven, Hermione and Ron open the doors.

The way to the hospital wing was silent. Cedric laid her in a bed. "Ok the lot of you can go." "I'm not leaving her." I spoke up quickly. "I'm not she is practically a sister to me." I say again, "Ok." Everyone else leaves. I lay next to her and slowly fall asleep.

Heaven's P.O.V.

I wake up to someone laying next to me. I look over and see Harry sleeping. Madam Pomfrey comes out. "Your awake. Good. How are you feeling dear?" "Tired." "Ok. Well you can go to sleep ok?" I nod, closing my eyes I fall back asleep.

When I wake up it was to Harry moving. He looked like he just woke up. I rubbed my eyes. "You ok now?" I nod. "Let's go to lunch." He takes my hand as we walk to the Great Hall. When we get there we eat, "You better now?" "Still can't believe I have to play on this stupid game." "I'm sorry." She says, I nod, looking at Fred and George. He look upset and sad.

After lunch I wrote a letter to my father on what happened. When I was done I went up to Fred, George, and Lee's dorm. I didn't knock, just walking in. "Fred, Lee do you mind?" I ask, "Not at all." Lee said they exit the room. I lock the door. George doesn't look at me. "George look at me." I say to him, he didn't I walk over to him, "George talk to me." "How could you?!" "How could I what?" I ask, he stands up, "How could you put your name in that goblet of fire without telling me or asking if I want you to put my name." "George I didn't do this. I swear!"

"Yeah right!" "I didn't George! I was hyperventilating in the back. Ask Cedric or Harry or any of the damn professors! I don't want this!" I shout at him. Tears falling down my face, "I don't want this George." I say in a broken voice. "Then how in the wizarding world are you in it?" "I don't know any older student could of done it. Some Slytherin as a fucking joke George. I don't know! All I know is I have to participate in 3 deadly games that I don't want. I can die George!" I say harshly.

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