"Get off me." Kazimiera spoke sternly. She did not want this little rat touching her. Who knows where he has been.

"Kazimiera, be nice." Her mother scolded. She wore an a-line sparkly silver dress with a v-neckline and long white clothes that almost went up to her shoulders. She also wore very extravagant diamond jewelry.

Suddenly the trumpets blew and everybody got in place on the other side of the doors.

She watched her father go, who stood there until the cheering was loud enough for him and went to the left side like he had been asked to. Then her mother went. She gave a dazzling smile and gracefully curtseyed before almost dancing over to my father. When Florian went, he forcefully smiled as wide as he could, showing every ugly tooth in his head earning an 'awww' from everybody in the room, then he bowed so low his nose almost touched the ground and then skipped over to our parents. Kazimiera rolled her eyes.

The trumpets blew and Kazimiera was on full alert. She locked eyes with the man on the other side of the doors. He held up his hand, which probably meant stop.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Kazimiera Of Shovonya."

The man motioned with his hand to move forward and when she came into view, all the people in the ballroom went silent.

For the one second Kazimiera was still in front of the crowd, it felt like an eternity. There were hundreds of people filled in this ballroom all looking at her, most, for the first time.

But she curtseyed, slowly and gracefully, like how she was taught, and when she came back up she gave a weak smile. Slowly the crowd started to clap. The first few claps bounced around the echoey room. The applause grew until the deafening sounds were the only thing being heard.

Kazimiera joined her family on the left side and her confidence only grew. She scanned the crowd for King Adrien, trying to find his tall blonde head but a trumpet blew which scared Kazimiera causing her to jump.

People suddenly started walking down the stairs and music started playing. She was only halfway down when she saw people already getting dance partners and twirling around in the middle. Even Florian had charmed (or tricked might I add) an old lady into dancing with him.

Kazimiera didn't know what to do, but planned on waiting this song out until she could find Adrien. She started to back away when she bumped into someone.

"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't see-" She turned around and started apologizing, only to see who it was.

"Hello, Kazimiera. You look lovely this evening." Adrien grinned, and Kazimiera couldn't help but get butterflies.

His look was simple, yet it looked very good on him. All he wore was an all black suit, along with his dazzling smile.

"Care to dance?" He asked, extending out his hand.

Kazimiera smiled and reached out her own to take his. "Of course."

Adrien led her to the center of the dancers without hesitating or bumping into a single person. The light melody that the orchestra played bounced around the large room. Kazimiera shivered when she felt his fingers entangle them between hers and lifted it up high next to their heads, and almost gasped when she felt his other snake its way onto her waist, holding it gently. She let Adrien lead while she scrambled her feet to catch up to him, while their eyes never broke contact and their smiles only grew.

As they danced and swirled in circles, her dress twirled around their bodies, resembling flames engulfing them. Kazimiera felt her and Adrien fading away to their own world, where no one could bother them, and they could be at peace together, forever.

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