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Hey I hoped you enjoyed the chapter I know I've been gone for a while but here's chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Boruto started towards his house he jumped from building to building. He looked at his house, and suddenly got an idea he dashed in and ran for his father's library. He didn't use the books in there and they were for his gramps anyway and grabbed a book it said 'Fuinjutsu first level' " Oh I'm so gonna prank dad with this

A few second later it was already back on the shelf, " Boring" he moaned grabbing his gaming system from his back pocket making the author wonder how long he had that there.

On the other side of the village the Uchiha's were having a catch-up dinner, or in Sarada's case she got to meet her father, that's when Sakura had an amazing idea, she vocalized said idea

"Let's go over to Naruto's house tomorrow and I know you would love to see Naruto, Sasuke."

"I already talked to him" replied Sasuke though his slight smile made it clear to even Sarada that he still wanted to go. As Sakura called Hinata, Sarada started pondering the situation Sarada didn't mind for while she had to deal with Boruto and he was annoying but on the other she got time to spend with her Idol. If he was there...

The next day came too fast for Boruto. One second he was fast asleep dreaming about hamburgers then the next the first few light rays were able to sneak into the room and hit Boruto right in his closed eyes, Boruto groaned something about flying chilli burgers.

He got out of bed and started his morning rituals. He.lazily dragged himself to the breakfast table where his mother was arranging cups, when she saw her son she stopped and stood up "Good morning Boruto, how was your night?"

"It was fine" was the response she got, she pointed to some bacon that looked like it had just finished cooking "Can you bring that over here?" Boruto walked to the bacon, picked it up and walked back to the table. 

Someone approached from the left, and yawned drawing the attention of both Boruto and Hinata. Boruto looked back down to the bacon he had just put down, uninterest burned on his face with practiced ease. The man yawned again and said good morning to them. Boruto walked pass the man ignoring his good mornings with the excuse he was going to wake up his sister.

He knocked on his sister's door and when no one answered he opened the door, he looked to where his sister was and gently shoved her awake. She woke up quickly and after a few seconds of talking between Boruto and her she suddenly gained alot of energy and dashed out of the room she could clearly smell the food.

They ate the food in silence, possibly because no one knew what to talk about or because the food was just that good...

The evening had rolled around and Sarada and Sakura had just finished making a cake for the Uzumaki's and were at their front porch. Sarada was holding the cake. She smiled as Naruto opened the door. "Sasuke, Sakura, Sarada what are you two doing here?" Instead of getting a response from them Hinata came from behind him and ushered them in "Come in"

That's when everyone who didn't know before realized that Hinata set this up. The blonde smiled at his wife. As they sat down at the table Hinata came and gently put a meal at the front of the table somehow Hinata made it that the table fit everyone.

Embarrassing stories were told, pictures in Boruto's and Himawari's case, official meetings, everyone cooed when Sasuke shook hands with Himawari.

Time flew by at 11 they were still going strong, while Himawari had gone to sleep people like Naruto and Sakura were chatting away, Sarada was currently talking with Naruto about her dream to become Hokage.

Boruto took a sip of his water, his eyes caught with another, Sasuke's hair got blown left as Boruto got a good look at the purple eye that the dark haired man had. Time seemed to still, Boruto shook his head things returned to normal when he looked back to Sasuke he was gone.

He looked around for a few seconds, suddenly a voice behind him said "Yesterday I felt chakra spoke from an area around, I didn't look into it as I was engaged in a conversation with your father but that chakra feels exactly like yours, what was going on" 

Boruto would be lying if he sayed he didn't jump. When he calmed down he explained the situation. When he'd told his mother and father about his eye they didn't believe so why would a total stranger do so. He was brutally taken out of his musings when Sasuke asked him, out of the blue 

"Why do you want to be a Shinobi?" 

Boruto hadn't really thought of it. I guess everyone wanted to be, when he vocalized his thoughts Sasuke chuckled ad he walked away he said one sentence that rocked Boruto's life onward

"Than you should quit"...


So like in True Potential (go read it if you haven't) I may occasionally give backstory on some scenes that I deleted.

When I started writing this chapter it was going to start with a heartfelt moment between Sarada and Sasuke when they first met but decided to cut it because I kept losing the draft.

I also had a portion in this chapter (when Boruto goes to wake up Himawari) where Himawari acts like she's dead and everyone in the Uzumaki household was in on it except for Boruto as a funny scene but it felt kinda random so I scrapped it

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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