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Genius. Boruto really didn't like that word, everyone always said that, it was a pedestal, everyone put him on. In retaliation he squandered he's potential, he didn't train he simply just did what the academy told him to do. And yet the only one who could match him was Sarada, but she trained on hours on end and sometimes she didn't even win their sparring matches.

Not to say she wasn't a genius but Boruto was something else he didn't train and yet he could still match the Uchiha

'Train' Boruto thought before he chuckled remembering smashing a train into his father's face. Shino stopped his lecture and looked towards the chuckling boy, "Care to tell us what's so funny Mr. Uzumaki."

Boruto stopped chuckling immediately and as his classmates laughed at him he tried to dissapear flushing intensely...

Sasuke walked past Konoha's gate, he was here to report, it wasn't anything major, just a S-Rank mission that the Dope wanted done.

He decided it was a good opportunity to see his wife and possibly even his daughter, 'Kill two birds with one stone' he thought as he walked to the Hokage's monument and walked through the front door to then bumped into none other than who he was looking for...

Uzumaki Naruto: The Nanadaime Hokage.

They both stayed in silence for a while until Sasuke said while smirking "Hey Usuratonkachi."

Boruto was contemplating using the Thunder Train to get closer to his favourite restaurant but as he still had a ban on using it, for smashing it into his father's face, he decided to take the safer option, as he did not want to be do chased by Anbu, and just walked to Thunder Burger.

He was feeling a little classical so he just picked a normal burger, he walked out of the establishment.

Suddenly some of his chakra unconsciously went to his right eye, his scelra turned black as his iris and pupil illuminated becoming bluer than it was.

Boruto dropped his hamburger. He looked around, as his eyes scanned the area he saw a purple aura around a few people but just as he saw them it all went back to normal and as quickly as the power came it went. He picked up the remains of his burger and put it in the trash wondering what the hell just happened

The power was so abrupt that no one noticed it. Except for Sasuke...


New story, I hope you liked it! Any criticism is appreciated so leave it down in the comments, the way I said that felt like a YouTube video. I am trying to make these longer but as the tag says I am Sporadic so if I don't finish this when I started it you're never gonna see me again.

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