Shut down.

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-listen to music for better experience-

"The kids have wonderful imaginations!" Sundrop exclaims. "They can do so many things with their minds!"

"why tho? they will just ruin what you just drew." Moondrop tells sun.

"so what? let the kids be! Let them run wild with their imagination!" Say sundrop.

"Right." Moondrop says. "The Pizza plex will open in [10] minutes."  S.T.A.F.F. bot says.

"Wonderful!" Sundrop says. Sundrop looks and Moon, "Aren't you excited!?"

"not really." Moondrop says. "kids are..gross. and scary and other horrible things."

"what!? no no they aren't honestly! they really  are nice and joyful kids!" Sun smiles at Moon.

"Sigh its close to 5:55 am. The power will go out again soon." Moondrop says. "with that time ill go hide."

Sundrop goes to his Balcony. Soon the power goes out and sundrop freezes up. Moon looks at sun then sighs and walks away to a nearby staff closet. 5 minutes go pass its now 6 am sundrop smiles on top of his balcony waiting for all the little kids and parents to walk in. Soon all of the kids start laughing and screaming  rushing inside to area and they start sliding down into the ball pit.

"kids. they all annoy me." Moondrop says as he pokes his head slightly out the door. He looks to the side to see only one kid looking at him. He waves.

The kid starts crying and running down to Sundrop. 

"hey hey kid why are you crying?" Sundrop asks as he picks up the kid

"t-there's a..a monster in that door!" the kid cries and and points at the S.T.A.F.F. door.

Sundrop looks at the door then looks back at the kid "Its fine..Just don't go back to that door okay? Now go have fun with the other kids okay?"

The kid nods and goes to play with the other kids.

Soon the kids where playing with sundrop and hes making art with the kids.  All of a sudden Vanny enters the room making Sundrop crash and all he sees is [ERROR] [ERROR] over and over again. Sundrop shuts down making all of the kids scream and cry. Soon S.T.A.F.F. bots make the parents and kids leave.

An Announcement  was made. "Im sorry for this but the Pizza plex will have to be closing early. Our friends need a break such as. Freddy Fazbear, Monty Gator and Sundrop. We will open back up soon when your friends feel better!"

The lights dim down the whole building. Moondrop goes looking for Sundrop.

"Another one? Sigh. I better get paid good for this" Says a repair man. He soon fixes Sundrop and leaves.

Moondrop goes to Sundrop. "Sun,? Sun??".. No response. "sigh. I guess ill charge you." Moondrop picks up Sundrop like he was nothing and puts him in the recharging station.

Another announcement. " We are now putting all power in recharge stations for 20 minuets. Please charge now. We will turn the power back on in a few hours."

"great." Moondrop says. He lets sundrop charge and he steps out to the play area.He turns around to see a ghost. It looks like he does no harm. Soon the ghost charges at him at an alarming rate turning all Lights off.

"The he..Sundrop-" He runs over to sundrop to see him still charging.

A staff bot walks in announcing to Moon. "The pizza plex will be back open until Tuesday. That's in. Two says." The bot leaves.

"Tuesday huh. Okay. I can handle that." Moondrop says. 

Sundrop falls out the charging station "ugh, what happened" he looks around "W-why are the lights out!?" He gets up. "I cant see in the dark..heheh.."

"I can help you out if you like.." He sticks his hand out.

Sundrop grabs his hand "if you don't mind." he nervously laughs.

"well where do you wanna go?" Moondrop asks.

"To the nearest part room..please..heh." Sundrop says 

Moondrop starts walking out the doors and up the steps to the first party room. "I hope you got enough to charge."

"o-oh yeah..i did.. thanks." He says

"so why a party room?" Moon asks

"i didn't want you to take your time helping me up the balcony.. besides it's too high up anyways haha." Sundrop says 

A staff bot enters the party room and zooms towards them, jumpscares them bot a bit by talking loud "Power is reduced for [2] hours." it says.

"EH!??" Sundrop says squeezing Moondrops hand "OH!- SORRY-.."

"If you're just going to hurt me then let go." Moondrop says while looking a bit angry at sundrop.
"but 2 hours.? I need to charge soon.."

The staff bot leaves the daycare.

Sun and Moon stand there quietly..and. awkwardly..

"So..hows it like seeing in the dark.?" Sundrop asks

"Well its like a dimmed flash light, and i can also see moving things. Sound helps" He says "but when the lights are on..its like your just seeing white..i have to adjust to it for 5 minutes.."

"that sounds cool, except that last part." Sundrop says. "well..what now"

"Oh yeah most of the animations are mad at you." Moondrop says

".." Sun looks at Moondrop upset then to a pout "They cant stay mad forever."

"well..the place is closed for 2 days." Moondrop says. "because of you,"

Sundrop looks upset and freezes up "All because of  a small error??"

"and Monty and Freddy so you're not alone" Moon says

"well that's stupid." Sun sits on the floor "Errors happen all the time."

"exactly..They didn't get mad when Freddy crashed." Moon says

Sundrop gets up "well only thing to do left is wait i guess." He walks into a wall "GOD!-"

Moondrop smiles "need help?"

"please." Sun says  taking his hand

"where too then?" Moondrop asks while walking back inside the play place

"I- really don't know at this point." Sun says

"I'll give you a boost up your stage yeah?" Moondrop takes Sun to his stage

"Alright then." Sundrop says trusting him

Moondrop helps sundrop getting up his stage then sundrop reaches his arms down. Moondrop jumps up to catch his arms 

"Ah man, We should have turned on the generator lights." Moondrop says

"yeah we should." Sundrop agrees "well.. what should we do now.?"

"I guess we should wait until the power goes on." Moondrop says 

Sundrop looks around in the dark room "eh, alright.."

"I feel powerless already." Moondrop says "i might have to shut down to save power.."

"Well, hopefully the power comes back on soon.. go ahead and power off for now. Save the remainder of your charge." Sundrop says

"alright then. if u need anything force power me on. ok?" Moon replies

"i won't be needing anything, I might end up taking you to a station when the power returns." Sun tells moon

"Right.." Moon says as he shuts down.

Sundrop Sighs "well, waiting won't be so hard. I can give myself trivia questions. Hmm.. Ah, I don't know any. Hmm... uhh.... sighs well never mind it might be hard."   His  Hand touches a flashlight   "huh?.. oh what's this?"   he grabs flashlight and turns it on   "Cool, decently bright but it's fine"  he Gets up and sits next to moon "Waiting is going to be a pain. At least you won't have to wait a long while, heh." He says looking at moon.

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