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Ring. Riiing. Riiiing.


"Chimon you asshole!"

"Whoa whoa! I literally just picked up your call and you're already cursing me?"

"Yes!! Why didn't you come out with us earlier?"

"I told Ohm that I really needed sleep. I just came out of two really long days at work you know."

Ooooh. The absolute nerve of him to be acting so nonchalant about all of this.

"You're the one who promised you would come hang out, the three of us."

"Oiiii! Ai'Non, why are you being so annoying over this? Isn't it okay for it to just be you two? You are technically a couple."

Nanon gasped, scandalized. "Chimon!" He practically screeched. "We are not a couple! We are best friends. And also, this isn't about Ohm, this is about you ditching me!"

When I needed you the most! He screamed in his head.

Nanon could literally see Chimon rolling his eyes in skepticism on the other side of the phone. "Alright, alright! Jeez, how can I make it up to you princess?"

"Pick me up tonight for dinner."

"Hah? Don't you normally ride with Ohm?"


"Okay, okay! Fine! I'll come get you at 6."

"You'd better, or else."

"You love me too much to get rid of me."

"...Doesn't mean I won't hurt you."

"Seriously, what did Ohm do to get your panties all up in a bunch?"


Click. Dooooooo.

"He hung up on me?! Ooooh he's gonna get it later."



Smack! Smack smack!

"Ow! What the hell! This is how you greet me?!" Chimon started rubbing his arm even though it technically sounded worse than it hurt.

"Yes, this is exactly what you get for hanging up on me!" Nanon grumbled while putting on his seatbelt. "Come on, hurry up and drive. Ohm is already on his way to the sushi place."

Chimon started to back out of the driveway while muttering under his breath. "Unbelievable. If you cared so much to be on time you could have gone with Ohm. But no, make me come out of my way to get you first before doubling back and then rush me..."

"Hmmmmm?" Nanon held up a hand to cup his ear exaggeratedly while leaning in towards Chimon. "You were saying?"

"That you are sooooooooo in love with Ohm you can't even be in the same car as him!"

"Chimon! No, I'm not!" The younger boy flushed crimson while crossing his arms defensively over his chest and turning his head away from his friend.

"Uh huh. You just keep telling yourself that so that it can come true one day, okay?"

A heavy silence fell between them while Nanon tried to come up with a response to prove that he wasn't crushing on his other best friend but he came up with squat.

"Chi..." He hesitated, not knowing how to ask this next question.

"Yes Non?"

"...Why do you keep insisting that I'm in love with Ohm?"

Chimon was a responsible driver so he couldn't observe his friend's body language, but he was pretty sure the kid was still in his guarded position. "Well, aren't you?"

Another moment of silence while Chimon pulled his car up to park. They had arrived.

"...No, I don't. I like things the way they are now, for you, me, and Ohm."

Chimon huffed and blew up at a piece of fringe that fell over his eyes. "Okay bro, whatever you say."

"Hmph. You don't believe me?"

"I don't, and neither do you."

"Watch me. I'll show you how un-in love I can be with Ohm."

"Oho, I bet you won't last an hour without making your little goo-goo eyes at him."

"I can last the whole dinner! And I do not make googly eyes at him!"

"Yes, you do."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

Knock knock knock. "Do what?"

"Ahhh!" The two practically jumped out of their seats like lobsters in a pot of boiling water.

It was Ohm, knocking on the window on the passenger side.

Chimon rolled down the window meekly. "Hah.. Hi Ohm. Have you been there long?" He shot a side glance at his friend and sure enough, the kid had turned beet red.

Ohm smiled a bit stiffly and shook his head. "No, I was early. But I noticed you guys a while back and I was wondering why you didn't come out yet."

"Did you hear anything?!" Nanon suddenly cut in.

Startled, Ohm put up both his hands in surrender. "N-no! Nothing at all. I just thought I'd come say hi first."

Chimon could only watch in silence as this strange exchange happened between his two best friends.

"Then move? I can't get out with you standing there."

Nanon was certainly trying too hard to act normal.

Insert a face palm emoji here from Chimon.

"O-oh. Of course." Ohm stepped to the side and even opened the door for the younger boy who just stepped out and started walking into the restaurant without another word.

Perplexed, Ohm looked at Chimon with his infamously wide eyes that resembled a kicked puppy.

The self-proclaimed third wheel could only shrug his shoulders with a semi-reassuring grin before getting out of the car himself to follow his most childish friend in for dinner.

This was going to be a long night, and Chimon could already see himself inventing new memes for the intense level of awkwardness and hilarity that were about to ensue.


😂😂😂 I'm sorry, I'm just having fun at this point.

Hope you get some laughs out of this one. More to come soon, and it'll be even faster with some encouragement 👀

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