Feel you

15 1 0

Our hearts are so big,
Why not feel every emotion?
Why do we try to block some out?
We just go with the motions.

Our minds are so active;
More connections than stars in the sky.
We try to trap our sadness and grief,
But we should let it hurt then let it fly.

You have to feel it,
So you can heal it.

I was told that life is full of colour,
But all i see is darkness.
The chaos of this life
Ultimately lead to its sparseness.
But you bring colour,
And you bring emotions,
You bring happiness,
So you have my devotion.

Roses are sometimes red,
Violets are sometimes blue.
Emotions sometimes feel painful,
But i want to feel you.

Read an episode book called 'Feel you' and it was so great. It inspired this poem.
It's structure is messy and I'm definitely going to edit it later but I have bittersweet feelings because it kind of mirrors the life of one of the protagonist in this book; isolated and distant and yet so in need of love and comfort (a walking oxymoron). I love the character so much.

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