The old cannery building.

Start from the beginning

She hears a commotion out the green colored glass, what looks like a person before, in one quick motion, red gets splattered on the window. Blood.

"What the devil?" Benzo picks up a pipe as they see who was responsible for Grayson's death. Silco slowly waking out of the fog, letting himself be seen.

"Silco? You animal. Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of." Benzo insults, swiftly walking towards the man with the pipe in his hand.

"Benzo, stay back." Vander warned, but gets overlooked.

"You never did know when to walk away." Silco mentions. Benzo goes for an attack but gets tackled by a much bigger person.

"No!" It was far too late, Benzo was killed by the unknown big mutan. Vander falls to his knees not prepared for his long time friend to be killed in front of him.

"Hmm. Stubborn to the end." The mutant snarls and hisses.

"What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!" Marcus yells, his voice a bit muffled by the mask.

Silco hums and moves closer to the male. "Deal's changed." He throws him a bag of coins, some falling on the freshly spilled blood.

"No." Violet was left speechless at what she's witnessing, she backs up in fear slowly.

"No!" She bangs on the wall when she sees Silco give a silent order for the mutant to take Vander out and drag him away.

(Y/n) watches silently behind some wooden crates, she's just exploring and is going to do her job Silco orders her to do and well, by nature, cats are curious creatures. She sees Marcus throwing the bag of coins on the ground.

'Did he not want the coins? Why throw them?'

He looks upset but she can't see him clearly with his mask. To everyone else though, the male was frustrated at his decision going wrong but the slightly clueless cat couldn't understand that yet.

Then she sees Markus picking up the bag, his movement sharp and fast walking away from the area.

'So he does want the coins, humans are hard to understand.' She rolls her eyes and then sees Ekko, he gasps his breathing is rapid at the sight of Benzo.

Quickly, the little boy rushes over inside the shop and looks around before hearing soft cries from behind the door. He walks over and unlocks the door, opening it slowly.

Violet hears the door and wipes her tears and slowly stands up. She then sees Ekko slowly stepping down the steps, still in shock at what he witnessed a few moments ago.

The dark pink haired girl swiftly makes her way over and pulls the little boy in a hug as he lets out quiet sobs. "I saw everything. Be...Benzo. They..."

"What about vander?"

"The—they took him." He stammers, clinging onto the girl tightly.


"I know where," The two were startled at the soft voice, it was cold but the softness makes up for it. They see (Y/n) standing by the doorway watching them cautiously. "I can take you there."

"(Y/n)? Wha—"

"Father told me to stay home but I got bored and wandered off, that's when I saw everything." The girl responded, nonchalantly. Her tail flickering.

"How can I trust you?" Violet glares, pulling Ekko behind her, she sees the cat girl shrug her shoulders, turning to leave.

"You can't. But if you want to waste time sending Ekko to follow them, be my guess," (Y/n) glances back, her purple eyes glowing a bit in the darkness. "Or you can save Vander in time, with what I witness...I don't think we can play around with time."

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