Part 2: King of Everest

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Elizabeth would have preferred to wear her Commander outfit, but in the harsh conditions of Everest she had no choice. Her and her team wore climbing gear, Arctic coats and clothing, and oxygen masks. At the altitude of 8000 meters above sea level humans can't get enough oxygen. They did have someone else on this mission, Apex.

Apex was a mysterious character who worked well for the foundation, an amazing assassin who killed those who posed a threat. No one new what was under the dark clothing, they only new she had black hair. Whispers about her were common, especially a rumor that only Sharky new her real name, though he denies it.

"This king of the mountain guy doesn't seem to be here," yelled Apex through the wind. "SCP-1529 targets lone climbers, but luckily no one else is up here, so it has to target us." They stopped to take a breathe. "If there isn't a lone climber it will come for a group," finished Elizabeth.

They waited for what felt a long time, until someone stood up. "Commander, look," said a lieutenant pointing at a higher section of the mountain. There it was, a man confidently walking down the mountain, white clothing covered the figure with huge goggles over its face.

"Got a plan?" Spoke Apex who loaded her rifle. Elizabeth stood up and grabbed her weapon, "We want to neutralize it, bag it, and get on out of here." They readied their weapons as the figure stopped 20 feet away. "Don't feel threatened, I am here to help," spoke 1529. "I didn't know you can talk," said Elizabeth. The SCP stepped forward and everyone froze, they were transfixed by its gaze.

Elizabeth was surprised that it was quick enough to paralyze her before she can put on her blindfold. It walked up to her, speaking softly, "Do not fret. I can show you happiness." She can feel it trying to gaze through her soul, she resisted against its warmth. "Why do you reject my gift?" It said. Elizabeth, was able to close her eyes, she could hear it walk closer as it grabbed her arm.

She pulled out her pistol and shot at it, it let go of her as she stood there with her eyes closed. She couldn't risk shooting any of her men. She opened her eyes and it was right there. It grabbed her armed hand and with an iron grip. It kept her from aiming, and used its other hand to pry her eyes open. "EXCEPT MY GIFT," it said.

Suddenly, a gun shot fired and SCP-1529 let go of her. It cried as it gripped its face. Apex yelled holding her rifle up, smoke coming from the barrel, "We have to go!" "What? But I can't fail this mission!" Elizabeth yelled. Apex yelled back, "did any of the higher ups give you this mission?" "No." "Would they care if you didn't succeed with no casualties?" "Well-" Elizabeth thought through that last question. "THEN LETS GO!" Apex yelled, as she made her way back down the mountain. Elizabeth grumbled, "alright, men let's get out of here."

They went past the 8000 mark, out of the SCPs reach. Elizabeth felt upset that this was a mission she made herself, and failed it. She looked back and saw the SCP. It stared back from a ledge, one of the lenses was cracked, likely due to the bullet. Elizabeth turned away, hoping to never look into its eyes.

Elizabeth was in her barrack, separate from the other Nine-Tailed Fox soldiers. Apex walked in and leaned against the door frame, "So, where's my thank you?" Elizabeth sat up, "Oh, yeah. You did save me there, thank you." "Your welcome. What's that in your hands?" Apex replied. Elizabeth held up a plastic bag with a golden tweezer inside, "This thing? Touch it and you'll pluck out all your hair, then your nails, then your eyes, and finally you die." Apex shuddered, "Weird, such a painful way to die."

They sat there in silence, not sure what to do. "Well, I got to go, see you sometime uhh," said Apex. "Elizabeth, commander Elizabeth of the Nine-Tailed Fox team 15," spoke Elizabeth. "Oh, right. Maybe we may meet again Elizabeth?" "Ya, that would be good." Apex left, and Elizabeth thought about her. Apex kept to herself, so why after one mission was Apex expecting to meet again? Then she remembered, she resisted SCP-1529, but how did she do that?

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