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"So we're stuck babysitting again?" I asked putting my purse down as Karlie walked around me flying the little boy in her arms like an airplane. "Is that fine?" She asked I nodded smiling at the two's interaction.

"He's so cute." Karlie laughed pulling home close to her they were adorable, Karlie was adorable especially about the things she loved.

Eventually James fell asleep and Karlie and I were now watching a movie she picked a scary one knowing I don't like them I sat with my knees up and my arms wrapped tightly around them Karlie chuckled shaking her head.

"Come here." She mumbled holding out her arm I looked for a second before leaning into her apart of me kept reminding myself how wrong this was but my heart wanted this and right now I didn't want to think anymore I turned in Karlie's arms climbing on her almost before pressing my lips to hers. Karlie's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me down on her I let my hands run up into her hair pulling at it a little.

I felt my body moving like it had a mind of its own when my hips began to sway against hers a low moan escaped my lips and I knew Karlie loved that. "Mhm." I pulled back staring at Karlie who stared back confused.

"We shouldn't." I mumbled getting off her Karlie stood a noticeable bulge now in her jeans. I turned around walking to the bathroom on the way I heard James start crying I sighed walking to his room I swayed him around the dark room for a little until I heard the door open Karlie took him from me she knew how to calm him down better.

I let Karlie finish and walked out of the room getting my things ready Karlie came back slowly she looked scared to even look at me. "Im sorry." She mumbled

"It's not your fault. It was both of us."

"I don't think I can do this Taylor."

"Do what?" I asked finally her eyes met mine. "We can't be friends." She said I shook my head stepping closer to her. "Karlie I hate you. I do I really do fucking hate you. I hate that I love you so much I hate that you ruined my life and now you're back and you're doing it again and I'm letting you because..I love you so much I never stopped either. I broke up with Joe."


"Don't do that don't pity me Karlie."

"Why did you break up with him? Taylor you love-

"I don't love him Karlie! I love you." I yelled stopping myself before I woke James up again.

"I love you too." Karlie said wrapping her arms around me I stayed in her embrace for a second before pushing away lightly to hug her back it felt good being this close to her. I really didn't know what was going to happen but for now it's all I needed.


"So where are you living?" Karlie asked taking another sip from my drink, she said she wasn't hungry yet my plate was almost empty and I hadn't touched it. "Still in my apartment Joe has more family here so he's staying with them."



"How is Candice and that guy she's seeing?" I asked finally grabbing a bite of my food. "They're good I think she doesn't say much. I just think she's using him to support her financially."

"I feel bad for her." I mumbled Karlie nodded "Me too."

"We should get out of here for a while." Karlie said I looked up at her with a smile. "You're crazy."

"No I'm serious. I miss the sun let's go to LA or Florida I really miss the sun.." Karlie laughed I smiled a little shrugging. "That sounds fun." I smiled my hand danced around the table for a minute before finally meeting hers both of us were scared to look up but the tension was enough we didn't need eye contact.

Karlie's hand held mine I missed her hands, they fit perfectly in mine.

For a while we sat in silence Karlie continued to eat my food but made sure not to let my hand go and none of us mentioned it.

I couldn't believe just a month ago I was thinking of finally graduating and moving into a house on a hill with what was supposed to be my future husband now I'm sitting in a small dinner with no clue in my mind what the future holds but I do realize I didn't want a future with out Karlie. With Karlie I'm living with out her I'm only surviving. I sat and admired the beautiful mess that sat in front of me as she spoke on and on and I just smiled knowing she didn't have a clue how much she really meant to me.

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