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"You look so hot!" Gigi said wrapping her arms around my waist. "Thanks and you always do." I said taking in her dress.

"Kaleb is def gonna wanna hit that." Abi winked "I'm not loosing my virginity tonight." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh you definitely are." Jourdan smirked

"Whatever you guys know I don't wanna be going to this party let's make it quick." I said we all made our way to Gigi's car and drove to kalebs house.

I let the music relax me a little letting myself go the windows rolled down the air hitting my now straightened hair.

What if she's there?

Oh my good they'll meet her.


She won't be here..right?

"We're here!!" Gigi yelled she scared me a bit I turned my head and soon everyone was out of the car I took a breath and got off too. I was wearing a small black shirt a skirt and some cat ears since it was an early Halloween party.

"Hey babe." Kaleb kissed me I pulled back smiling "You look so good." He said holding my waist close "Thank you." I blushed

"I'm gonna go play beer pong is that okay?" He asked I nodded and found my way towards the drinks.

"Hey." I froze at the familiar voice.

"Oh um hi." I smiled

"I like your costume." She smiled leaning on the table next to me.

"Thanks and you're a vampire?" I Asked "How'd you know?" She laughed a little god I could hear her laugh all day..

"Lucky guess."

"Want a drink? She asked I nodded she grabbed a red cup and poured a few things in. I thanked her with a smile and took a sip the alcohol hitting me immediately.

"So you're a junior?" She asked "Mhm and you're a...?

"Dropout, well I would be a freshmen in college right now I'm 19." She said laughing


"I mean I was going to NYU for awhile but I didn't want to be there you know? So I left and my band actually got kinda popular we were touring for awhile." She said

She's in a fucking band? I thought she couldn't get more attractive.

"That's so cool what's the name?"

"The New Romantics."

"I like it." I smiled

"I like your smile." She said taking a sip from her drink I tried to hide the blush appearing on my face but it was almost impossible.

"Thank you."

"I never got your name?" I asked curiously

"Karlie." She said


"And I'm Taylor which you probably know." I said embarrassed "Yea." She smiled

"Let's dance?" She took my hand I got pulled into the crowds of sweaty kids dancing. Since it was sorta dark and there so was many kids I wasn't as scared.

The night was filled with alcohol and smiles.



I woke up the sun hitting my face I yawned stretching my arms. I smiled at the blonde peacefully asleep next to me. I admired her beauty for a while before standing up to get a shirt.

I threw a hoodie on and some sweatpants over my boxers.

"Hey." I whispered tapping her shoulder lightly. Her eyes fluttered open she seemed relaxed but it was soon replaced with panic.

She sat up and looked under the bed staring at her clothes. "Why am I in your bed?" She panicked

"Oh umm last night you got really drunk and I brought you here." I said

"Oh uh thanks." She said flustered

"Yea but I think I should get you home I don't want Kaleb to see you in here." I laughed she nodded standing up. "Okay let's go." She said I nodded grabbing the keys to my car and followed behind her.

The ride was filled with awkward tension and unspoken words. "Did we do something?" She whispered.

"Well...umm yea we kissed." I said

"Oh god."

"Yea it was short though you were drunk and probably doing things you would regret so I stopped it." I said trying to calm her but it wasn't working she looked so panicked.

"Please just forget it happened forget it all I'm sorry but thank you so much for the ride." She said I simply nodded and watched her sneak back into her house.

Just forget it happened Karlie.

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