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6 months later

"Okay your turn." Gigi laughed I sat down on the couch watching the group of people around me get high I stood up to grab some water bumping into Karlie our purposely. She didn't say anything with a quick glance she was gone right back into her room.

I walked towards Kaleb and sat next to him.

Yes we broke up a while ago but he asked me out again and again and the third time I finally said yes. I didn't want to, the memory of him was a haunting memory of Karlie. After the abortion Karlie and I stayed together for about a week in secret. She had to go for her band and I had to move on.

We'd still talk but the talks became shorter each day. Eventually one day they just stopped. She came back about 2 months ago when her and Cara got into a huge fight and she hasn't gone back since. She works at some bar now.

I'm not able to forget her. It feels like when we first met the constantly seeing each other and wanting more than just quiet stares.

Maybe those are one sided now because she hates me I think. I don't blame her but sometimes it hurts I just wished I was still able to joke with her make her smile that was a lost hope now.

"You alright?" Kaleb smiled his pupils dilated. "I think I should go home." I said

"What the party is just starting." He said moving closer to me.

"Kaleb can you just take me home?" I asked growing impatient "You're staying here." He said in my ear.

"Fuck you get off." I said throwing him off me a few people turned their heads but they were too drunk or  high to care I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on walked outside.

The sun was setting it looked beautiful.

I walked down the road for about 10 minutes now the drive to my house was long so I knew the walk would be longer I sighed wrapping my arms around my body tighter.

I heard a car slowing near me I turned seeing Karlie I didn't stop she continued to follow me.

"Taylor get in." She said I shook my head.


"Taylor get in the fucking car." I gave in and walked towards her car getting inside.

"Did you seriously think you could walk the entire way home?" She asked


"Well you can't don't try to again." She said in a possessive tone. "Okay?"

"It's been forever since we talked." I said breaking the silence she nodded. "More tattoos?" I said staring at her hand which had a tattoo now she didn't say anything.

"Thanks for the ride." I said staring at my house.

"No problem." She said

"Do you wanna come in?"



"Fucking hell yes." I cried my hand gripping the sheets tighter as Karlie pushed deeper inside me. "Shh." She whispered holding my mouth with her hand so my screams were muffled.

"Fuck." She groaned I felt my body tense then relax I was cumming. She laid down next to me after she came. "I missed you." She said in between breaths.

"Me...too." I whispered

"I think I missed you so much more." I said my hand roaming her long abs they only got more noticeable since I last saw them. She's been working out more.

"Mhm." She groaned once my hand slipped around her length. I slid it up and down lost in my own world for a minute. I guess every inch of her was really perfect.

I sped up my pace watching her face twist while she came. "You're so good at that baby." She pulled me closer to her kissing my neck.

"Don't call me baby like that."

"Why?" She smiled.

"It turns me on and I'm tired." I said "Ok, do you want me to stay tonight?"

"Yes". I whispered feeling my eyes growing heavy I kissed her again and laid down completely.

Edit: old habits huh?

My boyfriend's sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora