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Wanda's POV
I storm into Peter's room without even knocking and he jumps up from his bed with some girl.
"Peter? Who's this?" I ask him.
"Umm...this is M-MJ. She's my friend from school. What's up, Wanda?" He stutters as I notice some lip gloss on his cheek.
"You got something here." I point to his cheek. He quickly wipes off the lip gloss and looks at me. "I'm gonna get straight to the point. We need your help and I don't care if you don't wanna help, you're helping end of story. MJ, honey you have to leave."
"It's fine, Ms Maximoff. I have to go home anyway. I'll see you later, Peter." She kisses him on the cheek and leaves the room.
"What the fuck Peter?!" I say to him.
"Everyone's saying I should move on since y/n doesn't want me anymore." He says.
"That's not the point. Change into your suit and get downstairs. Now." I leave the room, slamming the door and sigh. "y/n is gonna go mental." I say to myself and walk back downstairs, using my powers to change into my suit.

Peter's POV
I jog down the stairs, in my suit and head to the meeting room where everyone is sat. When I walk in, everyone is giving me death glares.
"Stop looking at me like that. I just wanna get this over with. What's the matter?" I say, getting straight to the point and not even really caring about the mission.
"Ok. If we're certain, she's located here," Steve points to an abandoned building on the other side of town. "And knowing Loki, he's gonna want her powers and make her into one of Hydra's agents."
"Who are we talking about?" I ask, a little bit lost.
"y/n. She's gone. We think Loki's got her but if not, then we don't know where she is." Bruce explains. My heart drops. I suddenly care now.
"Ok. What do we do first?"
Bruce and Steve explain the plan and we all pile into one of the trucks and make our way there.

I was sitting opposite Clint, holding my head in my hands.
"You alright, kid?" He asks while preparing his arrows. I look up and rub my face.
"Yeah. Yeah yeah. Why?" I say, nervousness obvious in my voice.
"You look worried." He puts his arrows away and leans on his knees, focusing on me.
"It's just...it's my fault y/n went missing." Everyone turns to look at me but I don't really pay attention to them. "She's always leaving the house because she doesn't wanna see me so it's my fault."
"Peter.." Bruce says from next to me, holding my shoulder. "It's not your fault. We've all made mistakes and everyone reacts differently and y/n was just upset. Don't blame yourself."
I smile at Bruce and he smiles back and suddenly, the car stops.
"We're here. Everyone get into position and on my signal, go for the back entrance." Steve explains. I go to my position and sit there. We all wait for about an hour and there's still nothing happening.

"Anything, Steve?" I hear Wanda through the comms.
"No movement, whatsoever." He says. I groan.
"What if it's not Loki?" I ask.
"It's gotta be." He says in an annoyed tone. He waits a few seconds before speaking again. "Ughhh! Let's just go." We all get up from our positions and get into the jet and fly back.
"Well that was a bust." I say, throwing my mask onto the kitchen island. I hear Steve go straight upstairs. "Is he gonna be ok?" I ask.
"His daughter's missing. Probably not until we find her." Clint explains and I just nod my head. I grab a sandwich and head up to bed.
I lay in bed, wracking my head around where y/n could be until my phone dings. I look and it's...y/n.

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