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TW - SU!C!DE⚠️

"Ms Rogers?" Friday says as I'm studying in my room.
"What's up Friday?" I ask.
"There is an Avengers meeting in the meeting room. Mr Stark asked you to join."
"Ok Friday. Tell them I'm on my way."
"Will do."
I throw on some sweats and a hoodie and head down to the meeting room.
"Hey guys. Is everything ok?" I ask, walking into the room to see everyone looking worried.
"Sit down y/n." Steve says to me. I slowly sit down and see a map appear.
"We have a mission. There is this titan called Thanos who is planning to take all the infinity stones and wipe out half of the universe." Tony explains.
"We all have to go and get an infinity stone and bring them back here before Thanos gets them all." Bruce cuts in. I nod my head.
"Where is everyone going?" I ask.
"Babe...you're not coming. You have to stay here." Peter says to me comfortingly. I shake my head.
"No! No I'm not!" I shout at them. "Is this because I'm pregnant?"
"Of course it is! You're 3 months pregnant! You are not coming on a mission!" Peter shouts at me.
"Yes I am. I'll do anything, I just wanna help. Please Tony." I beg. Tony looks at Steve.
"If you think you can do it, you can." Steve says to me.
"You're joking right?" Peter says to Steve and Tony in anger.
"y/n knows what she's capable of. If she thinks she can, she can. She is an Avenger after all." Tony says.

"y/n, Clint and Nat: You go to Vormir and get the Soul Stone. Peter and me will go to Dr Strange and get the Time Stone safe. Steve and everyone else, you go to Wakanda to get the Mind Stone out of Vision's head and safe. If we stick to the plan, everything should go smoothly." Tony explains. I go to the lab and get my suit, Peter following close behind.
"Why can't you just stay here and keep out baby safe?" He asks angrily.
"Because I want to help. Why is that such a crime?!" I shout at him. He jumps into his suit and presses the spider in the middle.
"Because! I don't want you or the baby to get hurt or damaged or die! Is that such a crime?!" He shouts back at me.
"Can you zip me up? I get that you want me to be safe but you can't try to change my mind about what I do!" He zips up my suit and I turn around to look at him.
"Do you trust me?" I say quietly.
"Yeah. I just don't want you to get hurt." He whispers to me.
"I get that but if you trust me, you can trust that I'll be ok."
"Ok." He leans in and kisses me as if for the last time.
"Just be careful, yeah?" I nod my head and kiss him again. We go back upstairs, not letting each other go. Peter walks me to one of the jets and grabs me again and kisses me.
"I swear, if someone hurts you..." Peter starts.
"I'm gonna be fine, Peter. But if I do get hurt or I don't come back...don't cry. Please." I beg him with puppy eyes.
"I won't. I promise baby." He kisses my cheek and then my stomach. We finally say goodbye and Clint flys away from the compound. I take a deep breath and try to relax on the plane ride there.
"You ok?" Nat asks as she sits next to me.
"Yeah...just trying to not die on this mission." I say with a bit of nervousness in my voice.
"You'll be fine, and so will your baby."
"Thanks, Nat." I lean my head on her shoulder and start to relax.

Peter's POV
"Kid? You ok?" Tony asks. I just look at him and then back at the floor with my head in my hands.
"I don't want y/n to be hurt. If she dies..." I start to cry.
"Don't think like that, Pete. She's with Nat and Clint...she'll be fine." Tony comforts me. I look at him with tears in my eyes and a weak smile.
"Come on. Let's go see Strange." Tony pats my back as we get out the car.
"Right behind you." I say quietly, sitting there for another moment.
'Please be ok y/n...' I think to myself and get out the car.

y/n's POV
We land on Vormir and start to walk up the steepest mountain in the literal universe.
"You ok back there, y/n? You need a minute?" Clint asks as I start to slow down.
"No I don't want to slow us down. Keep going." I say, hearing in my voice that I'm out of breath.
"No. Sit down on this rock, just for a minute." Nat demands. I roll my eyes and sit down.
"Don't worry about slowing us down, we're not in any kind of rush so take as long as you need." She comforts me by kissing the top of my head. I take a few minutes to breath and relax a little.
"Ok I'm ready. You go, I'll catch up." I say. They nod and slowly start to walk away. I hold my stomach and squeeze my eyes shut.
"Don't give up on me little spider." I say to the baby. I start to catch up to Nat and Clint as they get to the top of the mountain and see a black figure.

"Natalia Romanoff. Clint Barton. y/n Rogers. What brings you to Vormir?" The figure asks.
"We need the Soul Stone. We don't want Thanos to wipe out half the universe." Nat explains.
"Soul Stone...if you want the Stone, you must sacrifice something."
"What? We'll do anything." Clint says with desperation in his voice.
"For the Soul Stone...you need to give a soul. A soul for a soul." He explains and my heart drops.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I say.
"No. I'm not." The figure says, no emotion. I look at Nat and Clint with fear in my eyes.
"Well...I think we know who it should be." I say, walking to the edge of the mountain, looking down.
"y/n, don't even think about it." Clint warns me.
"I'm just looking, dude. Calm yourself." I say with sass in my voice. Nat sits down on a rock and I sit next to her and lean my head on her shoulder.
"Nat." I start and she looks at me. "Tell Peter I love him." I run to the edge of the mountain and jump.

Nat's POV
y/n jumps and my heart stops. I run to try and stop her but it's too late. She's already hit the bottom. Clint comes over to me as I sob my heart out. A light shines and the soul stone appears.
"Shit..." Clint whispers. "What are we gonna tell everyone?"
"I don't know. Do you have your phone?" I ask him. He hands it to me without saying anything and I run back to the jet, Clint following me. We take off and I call Steve.
"Hey love. Everything going ok?" He asks.
"Ummm...we need everyone back at the compound. As soon as possible." Nat says, my voice showing that I've been crying.
"Nat. Have you been crying? What's happened? Where's y/n?" Steve starts to panic a little.
"We'll explain everything when we get back, I promise. Love you." Nat hangs up quickly.
"We gotta get home. Quickly." Nat says, starting to cry again.

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