Chapter 23: How Long?

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Ambrosia woke up the next morning in her bed

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Ambrosia woke up the next morning in her bed. The only thing covering her exposed body being her blanket. She looked beside her a caught a glimpse of Seojun. She quickly sat up out of fear before she instantly remembered what happened between them the night before.

"Shit!" She muttered to herself and she rubbed her hands over her face. "Not again...." She trailed off as she caught onto the buzzing going on on her bedside table.

She quickly reached over and picked it up to check the caller ID.

She had seen that it was Suho calling. She quickly ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind her as she picked up the call.

"Hey baby." She said to start the conversation.

"Where are you?! You are supposed to be getting ready but all of your bridesmaids and stylists said they haven't seen you show up yet?" Suho quickly rushed out as his voice was filled with nerves that was obvious.

Ambrosia gasped as she took her phone from her ear and checked the time seeing that she was 2 1/2 hours late for getting ready for her wedding.

Ambrosia tried to come up with a reasonable excuse but seeing as she couldn't she quickly hung up the phone and shut it off.

She immediately ran back into her bedroom and started throwing her clothes on. She then grabbed all of her things for the wedding and continued to rush around the room despite the sleeping man in her bed.

Seojun woke up due to all of the bustling.

"What are you doing?" He asked in his raspy morning voice.

"I'm late...hours late." Ambrosia quickly pushed out as she started slipping on her shoes to head out the door.

Before she could disappear on Seojun again she quickly got out of bed and ran to the door to stop her from leaving.

"Seojun!? What are you doing!? You're going to make me later then I already am!!" Ambrosia yelled trying to move Seojun out of the way.

"Im not asking you to choose. But Ambrosia...please pick me." Seojun started. "On your way to making the biggest mistake of your life...just at least think about picking me over him....please." Seojun said to a very nervous girl as he slowly stepped away from the door.

As Seojun watched the love of his life run out the door without hesitation he let his world crumble inside of him. Judging by the way she is so intensive in getting to that messing means that he has absolutely no chance with her.

He pushed his painful feelings back and quickly started gathering his things to leave her house.

As Ambrosia quickly ran to her car she threw everything in the back seat as well as throwing herself into the drivers seat. As she turned the key in the ignition she thought back to the first time she saw Seojun after she broke his heart in her kitchen.

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