Chapter 4: Nope, No Way

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Ambrosia stood there wide eyed staring at the stranger

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ambrosia stood there wide eyed staring at the stranger.

She turned to look at Han Seojun. "Wait! Where are you going!? I thought you said you were going to take me some place else!" She yelled as she watched Han Seojun practically run down the stairs away from them.

Once he was out of sight Ambrosia realized that she was out of luck in this situation.

She turned back towards the stranger who wasn't standing in the door way anymore. "Nope, No freaking way." She said to herself.

"Sir, where'd you go?" She peeked her head inside but didn't see anything.

She heard slight yelling in the background and just decided to stay outside until he let her in on his own.

A couple minutes later he walked up to the doorway with slight attitude.

"Come in." He said stepping out of the way to let her pass.

"You can speak English too?" Ambrosia asked as she walked past him.

"Yes." He said shutting the door and walking towards his living room.

"My name is Ambrosia Sai. What is your name?" She asked being cautious since she didn't know this guy or what he was like.

"Lee Su-Ho." He said sitting on his couch and getting on his phone.

"Well, it is nice to meet you Lee Su-Ho. And you are the son of my boss, Joo-Heon Lee?" She asked sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from him.

"He's your boss?" Su-ho asked snapping his head in her direction.

Ambrosia just nodded in confirmation.

"Where is all your things?" He asked curious.

"What things?" Ambrosia replied confused.

"My dad said that you just decided to move to Seoul, so where are all of your belongings. Like clothes, and shoes, etc?" Su-ho asked as he lifted a brow at her.

"Oh, yes, that. I um.....I honestly don't know where all of my belongings are at right now. I sent my assistant to gather them for me. I also asked her to call a moving company and move all of my things out of my house in America and bring them here." Ambrosia said speaking a lot more than she wanted to.

Lee Su-ho just nodded his head letting her know that he understood her.

"Look, I am sorry if this is an inconvenience for you. I tried getting out of it but clearly they wouldn't budge, but I can call around to see if there is another place I can stay." Ambrosia said standing up from the couch.

Lee Su-ho hesitated and then quietly said, "No, it's fine. You can stay however long you would like. You can have my bed and I will take the couch."

Ambrosia heard this and turned around to face him, "Thank you, truly thank you for your hospitality." She bowed after she said that out of gratefulness to Su-ho.

"The bedroom is right there." He said pointing at a door. "If you need to wash up, the bathroom is over there." He said pointing another way. "As for me I am going to sleep. I will see you in the morning." He lied down and pulled a blanket over him and closed his eyes.

Ambrosia didn't know what to do so she was frozen in place.

"Do you always watch people sleep?" Lee Su-ho asked with his eyes still closed.

At that Ambrosia's body jolted as if it was telling her to walk away. She listened to what her body was saying and walked away and into the bathroom.

After almost 30 minutes she finished up in the bathroom, and walked out into the living room feeling better now that she took a shower.

She started to walk towards the bedroom when she noticed how uncomfortable Lee Su-ho looked on the couch since he was taller than her.

She knew she needed to do something about it but she didn't want to wake him up.

She walked into the bedroom and set all over her clothes down in a corner and walked into Lee Su-ho's closet. She found an oversized shirt and some basketball shorts, and threw them on.


The next morning Su-ho woke up confused. He was in his bed.

"어떻게 여기에 왔습니까?" (How did I get here?) He said to himself as he sat up. 'Was it all a dream' he thought to himself.

Su-ho climbed out of his bed and slipped on his sandals.

He walked over to his bedroom door and opened it to peek out at his couch.

Su-ho closed his eyes and sighed when he saw the girl laying on his couch asleep.

He looked at the time on his phone and noticed it was late enough to wake her up. So he walked over to the couch, bent over and lightly poked her on the cheek.

"Wake up." He said in a whisper. "Wake up." He repeated. She still didn't budge.

He poked her cheek again. "Wake up." She rolled away from him instead of waking up. So he got an idea to just poke her in her other cheek repeatedly.

After about 10 seconds of repeatedly poking her, Ambrosia jumped up because she thought she was in danger.

Su-ho jumped back then started laughing at her because she was so easily scared.

"Get up and get ready. We are going to go get food." He said still laughing at her.

She instantly got irritated at him and threw the blankets off of her and onto Su-ho and went into the bathroom.

"Hey wait aren't those my clothes?" Su-ho yelled in the direction of Ambrosia.

Ambrosia just turned around and gave a sassy smile then shut the door on him leaving him shocked.

15 minutes later Ambrosia walked out into living room with the same clothes she had on yesterday.

"You ready to go?" She asked Su-ho to bothered to look at him.

He just nodded with a petty smirk on his face since he still had the image of her getting scared tattooed in his brain.

They both headed towards Suho's front door.

As they reached it and went to exit the door swung open and a beautiful girl stood at the door wide eyed to see her boyfriend with another girl.

Su-ho instantly knew what Ju-Kyung was thinking.

Ju-Kyung turned around and walked away from the door.

"Ju-Kyung!!" Su-Ho ran past Ambrosia and after Ju-Kyung.

———————————————— Authors Note

Yes, another short chapter. I just didn't have it in me today to write a whole lot today.

But I still hope you guys enjoyed reading this.


Where Have You Been?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang