Chapter 12: I Need Therapy

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" Ambrosia yelled completely forgetting where she was

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" Ambrosia yelled completely forgetting where she was.

Mr. Lee took in a look of shock and just sat down choosing to stay out of this.

Han Seojun walked over to her and put both of his hands on her sides and pulled her outside of the room.

"Why did you bring me out here?" She asked the second the door closed.

"Because if I didn't you would've either gotten kicked out of the contract or sent a few people to the hospital." He said leaning up against the wall with a blank stare.

"And how do you know that I would've sent someone to the hospital?" She asked him curious to know what his answer is going to be.

He gave her a 'duh, it's obvious' look and said, "because you're American." Then he pushed himself off the wall and walked down the hall towards the elevator.

Ambrosia just stared in awe since that definitely wasn't what she thought he was going to say.

"Come on Ambie, let's gets outta here." Seojun said as he kept walking and didn't look back at her.

"Where are we going?" Ambrosia asked him once she caught up to him.

He just slightly looked at her and said, "you'll see."


"What is this place?" Ambrosia asked in awe as she looked around.

"This is where I debuting." Han Seojun said with his hands in his pockets as he stared up at stage. "Suho and Jukyung are coming and I want you to come to."

Ambrosia snapped her gaze towards him. "Really?" She was surprised.

"Well if your my fake girlfriend then you need to be here to keep up the act." He gave a small giggle afterwards as he ran away from Ambrosia.

She yelled towards him, "that's not happening!" Then she ran after him.

Once they were both backstage where Seojun was going to change and get ready he asked her, "You're an American so you must have decent style." He turned to face her.

"What's with the American bullshit you're spitting out of your mouth?" She said hating that he did that.

"So can you help me pick out what to wear for the performance?" He asked sounding kind of sweet.

"Umm." Ambrosia didn't know what to say so she just said, "Sure!" And went with it.

They walked over to the clothing rack and she started looking at all of the outfits and organizing the ones she wanted him to try on, while Seojun picked up a call and was talking to someone in Korean so she didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"You're starting your year of being a trainee tomorrow." Han Seojun said as he walked up to Albrosia's side after he hung up.

"Should I be nervous? And how did you know that? We didn't attend the meeting today." She stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

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