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Killua's POV~

Every month, me and my younger siblings do a sort of...check in on each other's lives. So, we laze around in the living room and eat snacks while we ask random questions about each other's lives.

"Favorite artists?" I asked, taking a potato chip and eating it.

"Chase Atlantic." Kalluto spoke first. "Mmh and Lana del Rey."

"Taylor Swift." Alluka said. "After her...The Neighborhood and/or Gorillaz."

"Nice taste. Alright, my turn." I paused in thought. "Melanie Martinez, Mother Mother and...Chase Atlantic."

"Chase Atlantic is okay." Alluka sighed. "Not all that great though."

"What?? No, you see, Chase Atlantic is simply superior to you and your music taste and since you aren't able to handle it—"

"Kalluto, calm down." I snickered. "Doesn't mean I don't think they were proving a point though."

"Wha—Traitor!" Alluka exclaimed, whacking me in my side.

"Ooh, ooh! Okay, future careers." Kalluto proposed. "I wanna do something in the music industry."

"Romance novelist, duh."

"Uhh, unemployed." I answered. "Or in a boring cubicle, doing more math."

"Oh, come on! You've got so many talents! You can draw, you play multiple instruments and compose music in your free time!"

"Used to. Plus, I'm not good enough at it for it to be a career. Anyway, next question."

About an hour later, we ran out of questions and continued on with our lives. Alluka started a FaceTime call with her new friends, Kalluto went down to the basement (our makeshift music room) and I...went upstairs to take a nap. Fun.

Still in my pajamas, I plugged up my phone and laid on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for a few moments before pulling the covers up the my shoulders and curling into the fetal position and shutting my eyes. Nothing like napping on a Saturday.

I was seconds away from deep sleep when my left wrist began to grow unbearably itchy. I scratched it in attempts to relieve said itch, but it only grew worse and ruined my chances of falling asleep, so I sat up in frustration.

"Whatever hives decided to show up this time..." I mumbled as I raised the sleeve of my long sleeved pajama shirt to reveal my wrist.

With an inhuman screech, I fell off the bed and into the floor, rubbing the back of my head as I stared at my wrist. I blinked a couple times and even rubbed my eyes. I rubbed my wrist even, but it all stayed the same.


I have a soulmate after all?!

hey hey hey
I really hate how this story is going
uhm whatever, have a nice day and stuff
bye bye <3

Poetry|| Gonkillu||Soulmate AU [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now