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Yes, thy master has returned with a new update😌

Killua's POV~

When the pizza arrived, everyone flocked to the kitchen to grab a slice from the boxes of pizza, many kinds. I stayed put in my small corner, away from the rest of the group of high school kids. I must've fallen asleep for maybe thirty minutes because I don't recall anything from when Retz last called out the question on pizza and ordered it.

"Hey." A voice said from above me. I looked up and it was Gon. He stood in front of me with a small smile. It was a nice one. Pleasant. Sweet. Joyful. Tender. Nonthreatening. Gentle. Ah, there's the word. Gentle. "You hungry at all?"

"Mh, not really. I don't like pizza." I replied, shaking my head. "You?"

"Just not hungry." He took a seat next to me unannounced which startled me a moment since no one sits next to me unless they feel like ridiculing me. I looked over at him a second.

"You're interesting." I said before I had the chance to separate the words I was supposed to think instead of say aloud. Realizing my mistake, I looked down and away. Embarrassing. Mortifying..? No, too dramatic. I thing I'll stick with embarrassing.

"Interesting how?" He leaned his head forwards eager to meet my eyes and get my attention.

"I dunno." I shrugged with a slight laugh.

"No, come on! Tell me!" He urged, dragging out the ends of the words "on" and "me." He nudged me back and forth with his left elbow.

"Okay, okay." I laughed a little, whacking his hand. "I dunno, you're just different from the people I meet and see every day. Your eyes contrast your hair, but in a good way. And you've got slightly unnoticeable freckles across the bridge of your nose. And and you're pushy, but not pushy. Stubborn to an extent." I spewed. "And you don't hate being around me." I concluded while looking up at him sheepishly. I don't usually ramble like this but this time, rambling to him felt fitting.

"You noticed my freckles? No one ever notices them!" He exclaimed. "You're an observer. I like that." He nudged me again which caused me to smile.

"Yeah. Kinda." I laughed a bit.

"You know, you're interesting too."

"Am I really?"

"Sure you are. You're awkward and kinda shy, but you've got this untamed beast inside of you just begging to be released from its cage." I raised an eyebrow. "But you gift the keys to the beast's cell to the people you choose to trust or be around and they unlock it. Then they know the real you. Of course, I could be totally wrong."

"You're good with words."

"It's my thing."

"I'm good with words. On paper."

"A writer?"

"Sort of."

"Respectable. Writing is a wonderful talent. I'm only good at talking though. I could talk for days and days on end really."

"Then why don't you?"

"Hm. That's a good question? It's not like it's illegal or anything." He chuckled. "I like you, you make me think."

"It's what I do. I make people think." Is shrugged with a laugh.

We talked for a while just about randomness that our minds ran to when talking with each other. It was nice really. I didn't realize how long ago I'd had a person to really talk to. There's Alluka but I can't really talk with her the way I would with other people. She's my younger sister. But Gon's not my younger sister and he's definitely someone worth keeping around. If I can manage not to scare him off, he might be a worth while friend. First real friend since...ever.

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