Chapter 1

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I yawn loudly, scrubbing my hand down my face as I wipe down the counters and wait for the machines to warm up. The smell of coffee and baked bread wafts through the small coffe shop I work in. It's connected to a book store so it's always quiet this early in the morning, peaceful in a way that I rarely get anywhere else in my life.

I turn my head to the sound of the door that connects the shop to the store opening, little Mrs. Brainerd shuffling through. I smile at her fluffy white hair and cardigan as she makes her way over to me slowly.

"Good morning, sweetheart! How are you this morning?" She asks. Her voice is cheerful, but the smile doesn't meet her eyes. It hasn't since Mr. Brainerd died almost a year ago.

"I'm good Mrs. B. How are you?" I ask, letting her pinch my cheek before giving it a gentle pat.

"Well, I woke up this morning so that's something." She says, grabbing the same mug she uses every morning and pouring herself a cup of coffee. I slip some milk into it for her, just how she likes it, as she sits on the stool and watches me prepare the shop.

"Could you do me a favor today?" She asks before taking a sip.

"Sure thing. What's up?" I ask, another yawn slipping out despite my attempts to stifle it.

"We have a new book club starting. Could you put it up on the inter-web?" She asks and I grin at her terminology. I started the book store's social media when I took this job almost three years ago during my freshman year of college.

"Of course. What's the book about?" I ask.

"Ooh, brave men of another world fighting against monsters like dragons and vampires. The fella on the cover is fun to look at too." She says, waggling her eyebrows making me laugh.

"I'll put it up after the morning rush." I say and she stands, cleaning her mug before setting it back down.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Call if you need anything." She says, heading back to the bookstore just as the bell rings, signaling my first customer.

I turn towards the door and put on my best customer service smile when I catch a pair of bright green eyes and a little nose, pink from the cold. My heart starts to hammer in my chest, my hands shaking as I look at Harper. She's easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I make a fool of myself nearly every time she steps foot in here, which is at least three days a week.

"Hey, Everett!" She says in a cheerful voice, her calling my name pulls me back into reality.

"Morning, Harper. The usual?" I ask and she nods with a little laugh.

"I love that you remember my coffee order." She says with a grin that makes my knees buckle. She tosses her long dark hair behind her shoulder and the soft smell of her shampoo hits me in the face and I have to force myself not to lean in closer towards it.

"I only remember the order of my favorite customers." I say, trying for a confident smile. She just nods and starts tapping on her phone and I sigh a little, wishing I had the balls to talk to her about something other than coffee.

"Do you have any of that lemon loaf this morning?" She asks and her voice causes me to start, hot coffee spilling down my shirt. I hiss in pain and grab a towel as she watches me with a concerned face.

"Uh, yeah. Just give me a sec." I say and she nods.

"You alright?" She asks and I nod, turning away so she can't see the blush on my face.

I hurry and place her order on the counter, ringing her up and watching as she places her change in the tip jar. She smiles warmly at me before turning to leave.

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