This is Gonna Take a lot of Explaining

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Andy hopped out of the railjack, and walked over to where Ichigo landed. He crouched down and just looked at him.

Ichigo: So are you a shikigami?

Andy: Nope.

Ichigo: Hollow?

Andy: Nope.

Ichigo: What are you?

Andy: Dragon.

Ichigo: What?

Andy: Dragon, here I have proof.

Andy stepped back, and for the first time transformed into a full dragon. He was fucking massive, bigger than the Railjack. His scales were a  mix of black and white splotches, kind of like a tuxedo cat. After a couple seconds he transformed back into human.

Andy: Dragon. Well also a few other things, but that doesn't matter.

Ichigo: Well nobody told me dragons existed!

Andy: They don't, at least not in this world.

Ichigo: I'm gonna stop questioning it. So what are you doing here?

Andy: Dunno, probably wander around, and might fight Aizen.

Ichigo: Well that's what I was doing before you showed up.

Andy: Cool, where's Urahara?

Ichigo: Hell if I know, he finds me.

Urahara: Yep, that I do.

Andy: Alright, can you push me into a spiritual form?

Urahara: Sure I can.

Andy: do it.

Urahara palm struk Andy Dr. Strange style and what happened next was... weird. Andy's spiritual form flickered between different shapes and forms in rapid succession, from his current appearance, to when he first reincarnated, to when he was an angel, to purgatory, and eventually sticking on something we have not seen before. He was shorter, a lot skinnier, and covered in scarred tissue. The most prominent part was his usual messy silver hair was replaced with neat black hair.

Andy: Well that was something.

The rest of the crew finally came out of the ship, and immediately misunderstood the situation. They saw a strange black haired man with a small frame standing over the unconscious body of their friend. Yang immediately rushed him.


She did not listen and punched him into the nearest wall, and here's the kicker: It actually hurt.

Andy: Ow... I need my sword.

As if on cue, Judgment manifested itself in his hand. That actually made Yang pause.

Yang: Who are you?

Andy: I am Andy, nice to meet you, this is my spiritual form which I am pretty sure you can see because of your aura.

Yang: Is that why you're unconscious?

Andy: Yep.

Yang: And why do you look like that?

Andy: Like what?

Andy bought a mirror and pulled it up to his face, noticing his appearance he immediately threw it down and rushed back to his body. But right when he was about to return, his body stood up, and smiled at him.

Andy?: Nope, sorry past self but you have to go through this.

Andy: Oh come on, not another of these illusions.

Future Andy: This one is no illusion, as a Tenno, you are connected to different timelines. I am from the future, not your exact future, but a version of it.

Andy: Come on, I can't go looking like this.

Future Andy: You look how you feel, you see yourself as weak and unworthy of your own power.

Andy: But I went through that trial, I know who I am!

Future Andy: You know, but you don't accept it. You don't Accept yourself. And in order to do that, you're gonna have to tell them.

Andy: Tell who? Tell who what?

Future Andy: You need to tell them about your past, Andy.

—Timeskip brought to you by Andy crying in the corner while Future Andy pilots the railjack—

Andy was sitting in the corner, in his spiritual form still. His future self had taken control of the Railjack and taken them into space, not any other universe, just out into space. The entire group was sitting around him, waiting.

Andy: ...

Yang: So...

Andy: ...

Yang: Are you gonna tell us or not?

Andy: Eventually.

Yang: Well if you want your body back, you've gotta.

Andy: I know, I'm just... scared.

Faux: I get it, but there is nothing you could tell us that would make us hate you.

Andy: Are you sure about that?

Faux: Yes.

Andy: Well get comfortable, this is gonna be a long story.

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