01 Vera

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I woke up due my phone alarm I sat up and checked it, it was only 7:15 am so I had plenty of time to get ready.

I got up from my bed and putted on my sloth slippers. I went to the bathroom and opened the glass door to the shower to put on the water, while the water got warm I put on some music, I got in and the water hit my back and all my muscles relaxed what muscles shut up Vera.

Vera is my smart annoying inner voice I'm not annoying hmm.

In the morning from ITZY stared playing then I laid some strawberry and vanilla scent shampoo.

Then I finally was done I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and another one on my head, I got out of the bathroom and went in my walk-in closet my dad is a lawyer and my mom is a famous designer so we have quit a large house but in my opinion I never liked houses that's big I would rather live in a small house then it feels cozy. My parents are never home and I hate that they never pay attention to me and then they finally are home they are just in their room "catching up on sleep" or when they are in the same room as me they are too busy to notice me or they are just on theirs phones making business calls.

I put on some blue 90s jeans and a green crop top with a blue cardigan that had some yellow stripes all over it, I put on some gold yewerly and green sneakers "I look like a snack yummy" I say while I look in the mirror, I let my hair out and let it air dry by itself into its natural wavy/ straight form, I don't do any makeup cus I'm too lazy and that I don't really like wearing make up so I just put on some counselor under my eyes, mascara and some blush and lip liner and some gloss over it. I have light freckles all over my nose so I don't want to hide them because I think they are beautiful.

Then I'm done I go downstairs and walk into the kitchen.

I put some bread in the toaster.

While the bread is toasting I check my phone, on my homesreen is a picture of a cute sloth with me, Ilana and Nicholas edited on beside it, it's super cute you think girl shut up Vera.

The time is already 7:40 am, while I'm looking at Instagram my toast comes up and I squirm that thing scares the living shit out of me everything fucking time.

I got up I get my toast and smear it with Nutella yum I love it.

I take a bit out of it and nearly faint because it's so good you're being dramatic now yeah yeah whatever.

I got out and get inside my Jeep I love my Jeep it even got a name Maya Angelou yes an after name too because she deserves it.

Then I finally arrive I park my car and and walk inside school, honestly I don't hate it but I don't like it I get to see my friends even tho I hang out with them like every minute I got but still and, some days I hate it and some days it's ok ig, like today it's ok cause I got art and I love art and I'm good at it too so that's a plus.

While I'm walking to my locker I see Ilana and Nicholas standing beside it, and they are bickering.

I roll my eyes at them because they are always bickering about something.

Then I finally can hear what they are bickering about I roll my eyes again, they are bickering about who's gonna drive home.

That's so stupid we all know Lana is gonna win cause she's obviously stronger I don't know but she always wins the fight of who's gonna drive them home.

Orrrr it's Nicholas who's bad at driving and she's doesn't wanna die.



"Hi Nich and Lana, I like your outfit today Lana yours okay ig Nich" I say to them.

"Huh what do you mean I personally think my outfit could be in a model show I have you seen it it's super good I look super sexy and my dic-"

"Ok I think we have heard too much" Lana cuts in.

I begin too giggle "I was joking chill out I think your outfit is good".

I begin to tell them about how cute my new sloth phone case is.

The bell rings and Nich ask.

"What classes do you have now".

"Ughh I have math" I say.

"Well I have science" Lana says.

"I have history" Nich says.

"No one asked" Lana says already bored.

"Well I said it what are you gonna do about it? Huh huh".

"Shut the fuck up already" Lana says.

I say goodbye to them and walk to my math class I open the door and walk to my usuall place and sit down ughh I'm already bored I just wanna sleep.

A/N note

Btw this is how ilana's and Nicholas outfit looked like

Btw this is how ilana's and Nicholas outfit looked like

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Hehe so this is my first chapter I really think I write very good like a medal too me anyways do anyone have any good books cause I really wanna read something but I don't have anything what about the other 300 something books in your library shut...

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Hehe so this is my first chapter I really think I write very good like a medal too me anyways do anyone have any good books cause I really wanna read something but I don't have anything what about the other 300 something books in your library shut up anyways how tf do you put more then one photo up there where I putted Grace's outfit teach me please anyways ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ guys see you til next time

I just corrected some words but I couldn't see anything because my mom is cooking and like she is using so many onions and now my eyes hurt and are watery anyways bye

Words count:1007

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