Te Third 'Hapter

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Helloo amazing people!! So in this chapter it's the next day and Nico,Thalia and Percy are arriving at Hogwarts and I shoulda mentioned this muucchhh earlier sooo. And as to where Annabeth is.... You'll find out soon enough. Also can someone please recommend a book/books to read cos I'm bored out of my brain.

Percy's PoV
Me, Thals and Neeks met up with Minnie (a daughter of Athena) who told us to hold her hand and our suitcases or as she called them trunks. We held her hand and the world suddenly started spinning and it felt like someone stuffed me down a pipe and that pipe kept going in swirls just as I was getting dizzy my feet hit the ground and I collapsed onto it. I looked to my right and saw feet and I saw a collapsed Nico on my left. I hauled myself up and helped Nico up too. We were in a pub. But it wasn't a normal pub.... People with pointy hats and sticks were sitting all around us, plates filled with food were floating along with glasses full of what looked like beer. Minnie went towards to a person name mot... I think... she said his name was Tom. Yea that makes more sense. Apparently Tom is also a demigod, Son of Dionysus. Minnie then went through what looked like the back door so we followed. She then stood in front of a brick wall. I was about to say something when the took out a stick and tapped a few bricks, a few seconds later the bricks started moving and formed an archway.We walked through the archway and found ourselves to the side of a very busy, narrow, crowded street with shops lining it on either side and in the middle of the street near the end was probably the biggest building on the street other than a colourful building with a moving statue on it.
"Welcome to Diagon Alley!!" "Diagonally? What sort of name is diagonally?" "Not diagonally!! Diagon Alley!!!" "Ohh, yea I dont get it" "kelp head" muttered Thalia. It was only then that I realised that the street was filled with people with pointy hats and capes and pets and brooms and other weird things. Minnie gave Nico a list of things that we had to get. It was in Greek of course! So we went around getting all the things we needed but not before we went to the bank and the gods had a whole vault to themselves!!! (I skipped Gringotts cos I can and I'm lazy. If u want me to write it I will! If anyone reads this that is)

Harry Potter's PoV
I woke up to Mrs. Weasley's shouting and telling us to come downstairs for breakfast. We rebuilt the Burrow. It was bigger and much better. It was built with my money of course! No one else is as rich as me!! We went downstairs for breakfast. I was finishing my pancake when and owl flew through the window. It had a few letters tied to its legs. "Ah! That must be the Hogwarts mail... but why are there 4... here you go Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione..." "Dear Miss Granger, Due to difficulties last year we would like you to repeat your seventh year... we expect an owl no later than July 31st... We're invited to go back to Hogwarts to redo our seventh year!!! Harry! Ron! We get to go back to Hogwarts!!" "That's great 'Mione. Can you write the letters for us too?" "Yes Ronald I will.."

————-a time skip named dobby——————-

We were going to Diagon Alley today to get our things!!! All the girls will be fawning over me. We apparated to Diagon Alley and when we went to the pet shop, I was walking towards the owls to replace Hedwig when they suddenly started flying towards me, heh well I guess even the owls knew who I was.... Wait they aren't stopping at me! They're crowding over a boy... a loser looking version of me.. Ron, Hermione and Ginny followed my eyes and saw the boy. Hermione looked shocked and Ginny stared at him with a longing look on her face. Next to LLM (loser looking me) was a boy who looked like he was a death-eater and a girl who looked very goth but pretty hot too.

Hey y'all! So ima keep writing like this
Merry New Year!!!
I hope 2022 is good hope fully I didn't jinx it
So I forgot what I was gonna say but if u guys need someone to talk to or if u just wanna rant or anything u can in the comments.
Kay bye!!

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