De First Chapter

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Helloooo persoonnn

So this is basically just a pjo hp crossover. Percy,Nico and Thalia go to Hogwarts and there are a lot of people who have made crossovers like this and mine is basically the same. This is also my first time writing so I'm sorry if it's bad. And if u don't like it don't read it! Okaaay Ima go write it now!!!

I didn't expect my week to go like this..... It all started yesterday when I was sent on another quest!!! Okay let me back up. It was a normal day at camp, I just finished climbing the lava wall and was coming down and as soon as I hit the ground Clarisse came up to me and said "Hey, Prissy!! Chiron's looking for you!!" "Why?? Did he find out about the blue paint?? Did he find out it was me?!?! Oh no.. I'm gonna die, Annabeth's gonna kill me!!" "Blue pai- I'm not even gonna ask- just go!!!" "Okay okay fine I'm going!!" As I made my way to the Big House The Stolls came running towards me panting they said "Per-Percy *pant* Chi- *pant* Chiron's" "looking for" "you"  "I know but thanks guys"
At the Big House
3rd Person PoV
"Hey Chiron!" "Percy! My boy how are you?" "I'm great Chiron..... what's wrong?" "I'm afraid I have bad news Percy...." "Huh?" "There has been a new prophecy... but we don't know what it is as Rachel had it at summer school and there were no witnesses.. but as far as we know it involves you, Thalia and Nico. I'm sorry Percy i truly am." Percy groaned "when do we leave?" "Day after. Since the Hunters aren't coming until tomorrow and Nico is at Camp Jupiter." "Okay...." Percy left the Big House with a sad expression as he dragged his feet across the ground upto Cabin 3.

He grabbed a drachma from his bed and made a mist with with the fountain in his room "O Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Nico di Angelo at Camp Jupiter." Seconds later Nico was shown, fighting off 3 hellhounds and in a few minutes he was covered in gold dust "Hey Neeks!!" Nico scowled at the nickname "Hey Perce and DON'T call me that!!" "Whatever you say Neeks" he laughed. Nico rolled his eyes "What do you want Percy? You wont call me at 3am just to talk," he says folding his arms. "Yea... there's a new prophecy... involving you, me and Thals again!!!"
"The Fates really hate us huh?" "Yea.. why cant they just leave us alone?!?!" "They probably wont, as long as you're alive that is" Nico laughed. "What's the prophecy anyway?" "That's the problem.... We don't know-" "Don't know?!? What do you mean by 'you don't know'?!?!?!" "I know.. I don't understand it either Neeks..." he yawned "Go to sleep Perce. I'm coming to Camp tomorrow, we'll talk about this later with Thalia..." "yea... see ya later Neeks.... Goodnight hopefully" "Bye Perce" he said as he swiped his hand through the IM.

Next day

Nico's PoV
After my talk last night with Percy I went into the barracks and collapsed on my bed. Luckily that night I didn't have any dreams but unluckily... I was woken up with a screaming Hazel I only heard half of what she said but it went something like this: "-ND DONT YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN!!!! blah blah blah DUST!!!! blah 3AM?!?! blah blah prophecy blah wait what prophecy?!? "Hazel!!! Calm down!!! What about a prophecy??" "Oh they found a prophecy inside Octavian's old knife and they couldn't figure it out but WHERE WERE YOU?!?!?! I WAS WORRIED SICK-" Hazel!!! Calm. Down. Breathe. What was the prophecy?" "We don't know! It's in a different language that died eons ago!! I have a date with Frank and you have a date with Camp Half-Blood!! Now go!!! Be safe!!!" "Bye Haze and I will..."

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