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Violet woke in the still darkness of early morning to the gentle rocking of the boat. She stretched and listened to Gilbert's even breathing beside her. He lay on his belly, head turned away from her, his uncovered, smooth naked back moving in time with his respiration.
Violet sighed and snuggled up to his warm body, but could not fall back into her restful slumber. She had never known such sleep before. It was as if she never known the true meaning of rest, nor feeling utterly complete in mind and body.
Her friends had shown her how to be a human, this man had shown her how to be a lover. And she wished for him to wake and show her again. . .
Violet knew he had been practically as nervous as she, when he laid her down and undressed himself by lamplight sitting on the side of the bed. Before laying with her, she noticed him pause and murmur something under his breath and raise his left hand to touch two fingers to his lips and forehead. It was an ancient prayer to the goddess of the sea. Violet had seen him do something similar but slightly different for the god of the earth just before all battle. She always followed suit, not for herself but for an extra protection for him as her leader, her Major.
Her heart squeezed in a chaotic, stabbing mixture of forever love and immediate lust, with a bit of fear throughout. She closed her eyes and made an effort to control her breathing. She felt him lay down and lean over her, the weight of his upper body against her.
"You are so beautiful, Violet," he said lowly, before she felt his mouth at her throat, but then he shifted and his mouth traveled to the peaks of her breasts. Violet wrapped her arms about him, encouraging him to continue, the sensitive peaks hardening against the touch of his lips and tongue. She then gently pushed him from her, but only to give her time to remove the chemise. She lay back down under Gilbert's gaze, now completely naked.
"Oh. . . " Gilbert groaned helplessly. Violet reached for him desiring his mouth to return to the soft flesh of her breasts. Without the barrier of the chemise, the warm wet of his mouth was beyond exquisite.
Gilbert shifted his weight again, moving more between her thighs, but being careful to not lay all his weight on top of her. Violet clung to him, her pelvis wanting to move against his hardness, but not without trepidation, judging his size.
"Violet, darling," Gilbert struggled to whisper near her ear, "I want inside you."
"Yes. . . Please. . . Oh, please," she cried, now beginning to move against him.
"It is known to be painful the first time."
Violet shook her head defiantly against the sweating flesh of Gilbert's neck. "No. . .pain is being without you."
The pain of accommodating him made Violet cry out and her eyes spilled tears.
"I'm sorry. . ." Gilbert said in a choked whisper, "So. . . s-sorry. . .so. . " He then just moaned.
Violet kissed his neck to console him and found that relaxing her pelvic muscles helped ease the pain, which uncovered the source of the relentless constant ache. She focused and moved her hips in rhythm and found that the ache grew and grew even more. Somehow, the bigger it grew, the more delicious it felt. Where was the end of it? It was like climbing up through the clouds, only to plummet to her very death at any moment, but she welcomed it with all of her soul.
In her concentration, the explosion of release began, small at the floor of her pelvis and then shooting up her spine and bursting throughout her brain. She arched her back, squeezed her eyes shut, opened her mouth, but no sound came as the spasm reached a zenith, and then slowly eased. She drew in a deep breath and then another. She plummeted down from the clouds but did not die, only tremble. The ache was finally relieved.
     Rather suddenly, Violet felt every muscle in Gilbert's body tense as she still held onto him. She wondered if he was experiencing the same pleasure as she just had.  Judging by his slowly relaxing muscles and the labored breathing and moaning through clenched teeth, she imagined so.  
     They remained together, both trembling and deep breathing.  Gilbert shifted to remove himself from inside her.  Violet reluctantly let him. 
    And then there was the most, peaceful of sleep.  Violet fell into it deep and then deeper still. Her last thought before falling completely away being the thought of carrying a baby that was half of her and half of her beloved Gilbert Baugainvillea.
Gilbert stirred and rolled onto his back, then turned his head and looked at her. He grinned drowsily.
"And why aren't you sleeping?" he whispered.
"I just woke." Violet whispered back. "Does it always make you want to sleep like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like the blissfully dead."
Gilbert chuckled lightly. "For men, yes. I suspect it true for women, too."
"Have you had many?"
"Many of what?"
"Must I answer that?"
Violet lay her head on his chest. "Many since you've known me?"
"No." he answered quite honestly. Celibacy had been a by-product of war, of being a broken invalid, of living as a quiet hermit under an alias on a remote island. "It was extremely difficult, waiting for you to be ready."
Violet raised up and kissed his mouth. "Thank you for your patience." she said laying her head back against his chest. "But you do not have to be patient anymore."
"Thank the gods," Gilbert laughed.

Together on Ecarte Islandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें