A Delicate Education

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    For the first two hours, Violet sat in front of the closed double door, not moving a muscle, barely even blinking.
     Cattleya shook her head. "How long can she stay sitting there like that?" she asked her husband. "My back hurts just watching her."
     "The military trains you to sit or stand at attention for hours and hours on end." Claudia reminded her.
     Cattleya defiantly placed her hands on her curvy hips. "Well, the war is over and Violet is not in the military any longer. I'm going to get her out for some air."
     Claudia shrugged in resignation. "You've known her almost as long as I have.  So, good luck dragging her from that very spot until that man comes out of that room alive and well!"
     "Humph! Watch me!"  And with that Cattleya went to Violet's side.
     "They plan for another three hours at least, Violet, honey.  Come and have a walk with me in the garden," she coaxed, rubbing Violet's back. "Just for a moment.  Then once you've stretched your legs, you can return here. Alright?"
     Violet turned her face up to Cattleya, then back to the door.  She then nodded and stood.  Cattleya guided her away, but not before turning her head back round to Claudia and pulling a face.  He waved her off dismissively.
     The summer day was a cool one and the two women walked arm in arm among the reddish purple of the official Baugainvillea family flower gardens.
     "Are you sure you want to go back to Ecarte? I mean, the Captain would surely much rather have you both here."
     Violet shook her head. "Ecarte is our home now, and Gilbert wants to stay there.  I hope to run the postal service after Mr. Thaddeus can no longer. Gilbert loves teaching the children, and seeking out ways to improve the island's grape and wine export."
Cattleya patted Violet's hand. "You've made some very good decisions for one so young. I trust you to continue to do just that." she said confidently. "We've been told the Major has asked you to marry him."
This brought a gentle smile to Violet's delicate mouth, but in her eyes was a haunted shadow. "Yes," she confirmed.
"How is it that you truly feel about this?" Cattleya asked, watching the girl's expression closely.
"So very happy. . . and frightened." Violet confessed.
"Well, it couldn't be about setting up a household with him. You've managed that aspect quite well, indeed. But. . ." Cattleya glanced about for the assurance of privacy and leaned closer to Violet. "Have you had. . ." the older woman rolled her eyes heavenward, "Oh, how can I put this. . . " She had no help from Violet, who simply looked at her, waiting for the rest of the question. Cattleya tried again. "Have you had relations with him?" For emphasis, Cattleya touched her own impregnated belly.
Violet shook her head. "No. We have not engaged in sexual intercourse." she replied simply.
Cattleya laughed with relief. "But thank the gods you know what it is!"
"Yes, I do. The soldiers could be quite verbal about it and make threats involving such things, but the Major would protect me from them."
A hand flew up Cattleya's mouth. "Oh, Violet. . .how vile. . . I should not be surprised, of course, but still. . . So, do you even want to have relations like that with him after all you've been through?"
Violet looked out across the vast flower garden, and nodded. "Yes, I do. I can separate how Gilbert wants me and the intentions of the soldiers. I know it is out of love with Gilbert. It was something I did not even realize I wanted, too, until he. . . " Violet's voice faded.  As if caught in a daydream, she slowly reached up to touch the side of her neck where Gilbert had kissed her.
Cattleya nodded, but smiled. "Ah. . . I see. Yes, it's the small things they do that can hook us."
Cattleya would not let Violet return to her chair facing the door to wait until the girl had a little something to eat and drink.
It was another four, not three, hours before the 'surgery' door opened and Dr. Bashey, in his white smock, cloth cap and mask, came through, drying off freshly washed hands.
"Your Major has pulled through, Violet!" He then turned to Dietfried, who bowed to the doctor humbly. "A great success, Captain!"
"My gratitude, Dr. Bashey, on behalf of myself, my late father and mother." Dietfried looked at Violet. "And also on behalf of my brother's soon to be wife and their future children."
"Might I see him now?" Violet asked impatiently.
"Yes, my dear," said the doctor, "But please steer clear of the nurses while they are recovering their patient."
"Yes, Dr. Bashey, I will."
     Of course, all Gilbert could do for the rest of the day and into the night was sleep off the anesthesia.  Violet never left his side, of course.
    She marveled at the prothesis.  Dr. Bashey was a genius.  He had taken an assortment of materials to make a right arm almost identical to the left, right down to the fingernails. 
     "I had seen the model while it was in the process of being made, but, this is a true achievement!"  Dietfried exclaimed.
     "Yes," Dr. Bashey agreed, "A new technology of a malleable polymer that can react with the nerve endings."  The doctor took a pointed surgical instrument and lightly touched it to the center of Gilbert's new right palm. The fingers slightly closed toward the palm, even as Gilbert slumbered. 
     "Now, to be sure, this is a prototype." Dr. Bashey said as he continued testing the palm and each finger. "I'll be needing to look in on him in the next few weeks.  One of the nurses will be here daily to change the bandages at the attachment site.  Can't let it get sepsis now, can we? Not after 6 hours work!"
      The rest of the evening, Gilbert's rest was uneasy.  He unintelligently spoke to his dead father and mother.  Then it was as if he were younger and having a disagreement with Dietfried, all nonsense.  He called out to Violet, tears rolling out of his squeezed shut eye and toward his ear. 
     "Violet!. . . " he cried, "Violet!! Your arms!! You are without your ARMS!! I saw the right one hit the stone floor!! And look. . . LOOK!! The left one is lying just there!! OH GODS!OH GODS!OH GODS!! Your BLOOD!! All your BLOOD!  You're DYING!! DYING!! I MURDERED THE ONE THING I TRULY EVER LOVED. . . "
     Violet lay down on his left side and carefully took him into her arms. 
     "Ssshhhh," she whispered, stroking his hair, "I am here and I am well.  You are to be my husband and I your wife.  Let go of what has past and hold onto me."
     And there she held him the entire night, his tears and sweat soaking her from neck to waist.

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