The Long Hike

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They continued down the long dirt path towards the wolf house they had been walking since noon and now the sun had past over their heads long ago and was about to set a loud set of moans and groan complaints from the new campers roared over the group. Jason then made his way to the front of the group to where Reyna was leading he walked up beside her "Reyna I think we should start thinking about setting up camp somewhere nearby it's going to be pitch black soon and we'll end up walking right off the path" he says and looks up to see her nodding "we're setting camp up along that ridge" he heard her call out he smiled and continued to walk beside her till they reached the ridge and everyone began to set up there own tents. Within a few minutes Jason had his tent completely set up and his sleeping bag laid out inside of it just like all the other campers except for Reyna so Jason walked over to her "need a hand with that" he asked and smiled at her "uh yeah that would be nice" she replies he then grabs the pieces of the tent and start building it. Within a few minutes he had set up her tent and she thanked him with a hug "Thanks Jason" she said and climbed into her tent "goodnight Reyna" he says "goodnight Jason" she replied and zipped up her tent then he returned to his crawling inside getting ready for bed. He had been sleeping for almost an hour when he heard a noise coming from the front of his tent he sat up and pulled out his gold coin and flipped it and it turned into a sword and he prepared himself ready to fight when he heard a feminine voice call out "Jason are you awake" he then unzipped his tent and looked up at her "you scared me half to death Reyna" she immediately crawled into his tent and laid down looking at him "I can't sleep" she claimed he smiled and laid beside her "to worried about the quest Reyna" he smiles she rests her head on his chest "Jason you know me so well" she smiled and sighed moving closer to him "just close your eyes you can sleep here tonight" he closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around her and slowly drifted off to sleep

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