You're a Wizard Izuku

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  Izuku was confused. He'd received an odd looking envelope in the post. It was yellowish and made of thick paper. There was even a wax seal on the back.

  The strangest part however, was that it was addressed to his bedroom.

  "Mum, I got a weird letter in the post!" The 11 year old said, walking into the living room.

  "Weird how sweetie?" Inko asked, watching her son hop onto the sofa beside her.

  "It's addressed to my bedroom. And it's got a wax seal on it." He said, turning the envelope over in his hands.

  Izuku opened the letter carefully, pulling out several lengths of folded parchment.

  "Izuku Midoriya. It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As a muggleborn, you will require guidance within our world. I will arrive at your residence shortly after this letter in order to both prove magic's existence and bring you to Diagon Alley, where you can purchase your school things. With regards, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress." He read out loud.

  Izuku dropped the letter onto the table and picked up the other folded pieces of paper.

  "There's a required book list.. advanced reading book list.. a list of required equipment, potion ingredients and optional extras.."

  He was interrupted by a quiet crack from outside, which was followed by a polite knock on the door. Inko stood up and went to answer it, where there was a muted discussion between Inko and whoever was there. The petit woman returned with a very tall elderly woman who was wearing what could only be described as a witch's outfit.

  "Good morning Mr Midoriya. My name is Minerva McGonagall, I believe you've read my letter?" She spoke in English.

  "Yes, I have. It's a very well thought out prank ma'am." The greenette replied.

  The witch just smiled knowingly, pulling a short stick from her left sleeve and brandishing it.


  The tip of what was obviously a wand lit up with a bright, concentrated light. The Midoriya's dim living room was lit up by the small light source.

  "A light manipulation quirk of some kind." Izuku theorised.

  "All witches and Wizards are quirkless Mr Midoriya. My abilities have all been taught to me in the past by my own teachers. Mrs Midoriya, please do not panic. Petrificus Totalus."

  A bolt of red energy flew from the wand and connected with Izuku's chest. His arms snapped to his sides, and his legs were practically glued together. He was unable to even blink, yet was fully aware.

  Petrificus Totalus, total paralasys? Lumos, illumination. Not an illusion quirk then, this feeling is very real. It would need to interfere with my nerves to do that, but at that point it's not just illusion, it's basically reality control. It can only be magic. That or she has 5 quirks at least. The crack was probably her too. Supersonic speed perhaps?

  Izuku smiled once he was released from the body bind curse.

  "Where do I get my wand?"


  Izuku stepped through the once brick wall, eagerly looking around the alleyway.

  "Any and all purchases related to your school work will be covered by Hogwarts. There is an upper limit of 150 Galleons, but you won't even spend half of that today. I believe it would be best for you to get the essential items first before buying any extra books or ingredients." McGonagall said.

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