Chapter 14

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I picked panties and a big navy blue hoodie. Then pulled my covers close and snuggled into my bed. Going to Dreamland after a relaxing afternoon.

Karla's pov

Sunday was cool, had some fun after church. Fun literally meaning me watching Tea reality shows till late night and eating chips and dip.

Then Monday.

Oh so sweet Monday!

I woke up feeling tired from watching those reality tv shows.
Hauling myself out of bed to get ready for the day and heading down for breakfast.

Then out of the blue!
I decided to call Tina and tell her not to pick me up because I'll rather  come to school by myself.

I literally don't know why, I did that but I did that!

I walked over to the rose gold beauty of a car I got for my 16th birthday. It may have been second hand but she was a good steal.

I honestly don't like driving.

I don't even like sitting or driving a car. I hate driving with a person in the car with me.

And when it's snowing?!!??
Oh hell NAWH!!!
I ain't moving out!!

I could be dying but no, no no!!!

I have so much bad anxiety with cars but with the unwanted but much needed help.

My sweet therapist and i, yes I! Cos I did most but she's been a big impact.

So with the car having a hefty amount of problems this year, it was a good reason to cope with my anxiety because I didn't have to drive but I've decided it's about time I move on.

So I grabbed my keys from my jewelry box and head to the garage. I open the door, obviously.

Then I sit in the car.
All of a student I start to panick.
I try to calm down and think of something happy but the flashbacks and awful thoughts are just too much and so hurtful.

And I can't, I just can't.

I get out of the car with a tear streaked face. I pick my school bag and purse out of the car, lock the car and the garage and order an Uber.

Honestly, I can't imagine how Jimena feels if I'm feeling this way because she thinks if she hadn't asked Dad to send us he'd still be alive.

We actually had to submit most of our assignments tomorrow but I was very lucky that I had completed those assignments since I was procrastinating. Before I decided to do them on Saturday.

I met Tina during second break.
We went to the cafeteria got some food and just talked and walked outside. Then we sat on one of the school benches.

I wanted to tell her about today but I just couldn't help but feel like a bother, I  know you're supposed to tell your friends stuff but I always can't help but keep it to myself besides she's been there for me since 10th grade so she's dealt with my shiz for a while.

I don't know but it was like my anxiety was on the edge because when she asked me what my I was fidgety.

I broke down and told her everything that happened this morning. It may have been quite embarrassing to break down but at the same time it was a tad bit relaxing because as human you have the right to express yourselves.

And as the good friend she is, she sat with me, listened and told me nothing but the sweetest stuff.
Honestly, she being there was everything!

When I got home I decided to schedule an appointment with my therapist, first thing once she comes back from Bora Bora.

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