Chapter Twenty-EIght

Start from the beginning


McKenna hummed softly as she sat at her vanity, trying to decide what earrings to wear, and then wondered why she even tried to decide when she went with the same pieces—the teardrop emerald and diamond earrings that Loki gave her the night before their wedding. They were her favorite ones.

For tonight, she’d chosen to wear her hair down, since she normally kept it pulled up in either a ponytail or in a clip. And thankfully, it behaved, spilling over her shoulders in a gentle fall of smooth waves. Her skin had a hint of a tan from spending all day in the sun and the white gown she’d chosen showed off that beautiful tan perfectly.

She smiled as she rose and moved to her mirror. The ball gown was a new one—pure white, edged in green and gold, with long sleeves that were opened from the shoulder to her wrists, a low scooped neckline and fitted bodice that she thought showed off her curves perfectly. The skirt fell to the floor in a fall of snowy white silk and the toes of her white strappy sandals just peeked out from beneath.

Loki poked his head into her dressing room. “Are you almost—whoa…”

She smiled, twirling to face him. “What do you think?”

He stared for a long moment and then murmured, “I think you are the most beautiful woman in Asgard, McKenna.”

A delicate heat touched her cheeks and she smiled. “Thank you. I certainly feel like a princess in this.”

He smiled, offering her his arm. “I hope you find me acceptable, then.”

She gave him a long up and down look. He’d chosen formal black leather leggings and tunic, the top embellished with gold and silver. Tapping her finger against her lips, she pretended to think it over before saying, “You’ll do.”

“Oh, thank you.”

She smiled. “You are more than acceptable, Prince Loki, and you know it.” She slid her arm through his and her hand came to rest on the intricate weave of his leather sleeve. “Why don’t you use your title, anyway?”

“I don’t care for it, to be honest. Frigga wished us to be raised as normal as possible.” He covered her hand with his. “Rather like you wish for our children.”

“Children should have the chance to be kids—even royal children. And speaking of which, where are the royal kidlets?”

“Tyra and Kirsten are bringing them to the ballroom. The Allfather is planning on making a formal to-do over my return. I think he wishes all of us to appear together.”

“I think that’s a fine idea. Although the noise will probably freak Nicholas and Kyra out, since I imagine someone’s going to cheer.”

He nodded. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“So, tell me something,” she said as he escorted her from their chambers and down the promenade, “if you had conquered Midgard, were you going to make us all call you King Loki?”

He grinned down at her. “Of course. I might still make you call me that.”

“In your dreams, bud.”

His laugh echoed along the promenade. “Just once?”

She smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

“Careful, love, I might demand that you do it when you’re on your knees before me.”

“Do that and you might find yourself regretting it real quick when I junk punch you.”

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