Chapter 09

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Sydney has been training with Natasha for 6 months. The woman had been pretty good with the fighting and defending herself, but sometimes she still thought that Natasha was letting her win. The 2 woman has been training a lot and Sydney was getting frustrated by every move she made.

"Hey, calm down." Nat said, who seemed to notice the frustration. "In those 6 months, you've been pretty good."

"Thanks, but i still don't know if i'll make a good spy." Sydney sighed and took another launch at the redhead, however, Nat grabbed her arm and twirled her around, making Sydney groan.

"Can we just work on the fighting?" The brunette asked and Nat chuckled.

"We're doing that right now." Nat said and walked a bit away from Sydney. The girl knew what was coming so she stood ready as Nat did a handstand, placing her legs in Sydney's neck. The redhead fake hit Sydney, and she fell backwards as Nat placed her feet on the ground so neither of them wouldn't get hurt.

After a while of training and learning how to defend themselves, both woman grabbed their bags as they made their way over to Nick Fury's office.

"Agent Romanoff, Agent Stark, come in." Fury said and both woman sat down on the chairs. "I heard the training is going well. You'll make an excellent spy Sydney."

"Thank you Mr. Fury." The brunette smiled.

"Okay, i have something to tell the both of you. Agent Romanoff is assigned to go work undercover at the Stark Industries." Fury said and Sydney frowned, looking at the redhead in next to her, before looking back at the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Why? What's going on?"

"We still think your brother is in danger. Look, Agent Romanoff goes undercover as Natalie Rushman, a notary at the Stark Industries. Since her identity has to stay hidden, you have to act like you don't know her? Okay?"

"Okay, but what does this has to do with me?" Sydney asked and Fury smiled.

"This is also your first mission Agent Stark. You will help Romanoff whenever you can."


Sydney was standing at the Stark Expo behind the black curtains, when she saw her brother in his Iron Man suit landing on the open air stage, while dancers were dancing behind him. As he landed, the crowd went wild and started applauding. The robots were helping Tony loose his Iron suit as his normal suit got revealed. Just like Sydney excepted, Tony made a show from it and the woman couldn't help to smile at her brother.

"I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me." Tony started his speech as the dancers walked of the stage. "I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history. I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because i haven't come across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day."

Everyone in the crowd started cheering loudly for the man. "But, it's not about me. It's not about you." Tony continued. "It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. And that's why for the next year, and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and woman of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future. It's not about us. Therefore, what i'm saying, if i'm saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark Expo. And now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard."

Sydney looked up from her spot as the screen transformed to a video of her father and soon, Tony joined her behind the curtains.

"Everything is achievably through technology." Howard said. "Better living, robust health, and for the first time in human history, the possibilty of world peace. So, from all of us here at Stark Industries, i would like to personally introduce you to the City of the Future." The screen showed a map that Howard had made. "Technology holds infinite possibilities for mankind, and will one day rid society of all its ills. Soon, technology will affect the way your life every day."

"Hey, are you okay?" Sydney asked, when she saw a worried look on Tony's face.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm good." Tony shook it off as he looked back at the crowd and Sydney nodded, not really believing her brother.

"Welcome to the Stark Expo!"


The first chapter of Iron Man 2 is finished! I hope you all like it and again, thank you for reading our story. Anyway, if you had no idea how Nat and Sydney were fighting, i got the idea from TikTok but i had no clue how to write it, so here's the video :)

Anyway, have fun reading!! xx Jo & Oli

Tony's sister - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now