Chapter 07

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After Tony didn't answer any call from Sydney or Pepper, the youngest Stark called Rhodey and explained everything to the man. "What do you mean, he paid to have Tony killed?" Rhodey asked. "Syd, slow down. Why would Obadiah..."

"I don't freaking now. He just payed them so they could kill Tony. I saw it all on video." The brunette freaked out.

"Okay, where's Tony now?" Rhodey asked.

"I don't know, he's not answering his phone." The brunette said and Pepper opened the door so that she could get in the car. "Please go over there and make sure everything's okay. Thank you Rhodey." And with that the girl ended the phone call, while Agent Coulson sat down in the passenger seat.

"I know a shortcut." Pepper said as she got in the car next to Sydney.

"Okay, then drive." Coulson said and every agent started the car as they followed Pepper's directions.


After a few minutes driving, Sydney, Pepper, Coulson and 4 other agents arrived at the lab where Obadiah was. They all quickly got out and Pepper used her card to open the door. The agents followed the 2 woman inside the lab as they made their way over to section 16.

"There it is." Sydney said, pointing at a door where the numbers 16 were written above. Pepper tried her card but the machine beeped.

"My key's not working. It's not opening the doors." Pepper said, turning towards Sydney and Agent Coulson. "What now?"

"He's up to something..." Sydney said, mostly to herself but Pepper and Coulson clearly heard her. Without saying a word, one of the agents placed a little device on the door.

"You should step back." Coulson said and Pepper quickly grabbed Sydney's hand as the both girls stood behind the agents. Not a second later, they heard a small pop and the door was open. Sydney and Pepper followed Coulson downstairs as they stopped at another door. The man looked through a small window, before they got inside, loading their guns. Sydney and Pepper followed the agents inside as they all carefully looked around them. They all walked down a small step of stairs until they came across a suit. "Looks like you were right Sydney. He was building a suit."

"I thought it'd be bigger." The brunette said, not so suprised of the suit. The brunette looked behind her, hearing a few noises when she saw a few electricity cables that were cut. The agents split up while Pepper and Sydney stayed with Coulson. "I knew something was wrong the day i found out about the Ten Rings..." Sydney whispered to Pepper, however Coulson also heard her.

"How'd you found out?" The man asked and Sydney looked at the man.

"I went into his office, well broke in technically and that's when i found out. I knew he was up to something so that's when i started to spy on him... But i didn't really find anything." The girl explained and Coulson just nodded his head. He still remembered that day when he caught the girl looking at the security cameras from the office.

"Agent Coulson?" One of the other agents asked, getting their attention. The agent mentioned to look at something he found so Coulson asked the 2 woman to stay downstairs. Pepper sighed as Sydney still kept looking around, she wanted to find Obadiah. He is the man that's responsible for her brother's dissapearance. The 2 woman looked behind them when they heard a few noises and looked in the dark before a pair of lights showed up. Pepper quickly grabbed Sydney's hand as they bith ran away, letting the others know that something had just tried to attack them. "Take him out!" One of the agents yelled as they all started to shoot on the robot.

Pepper and Sydney kept running away, while the robot was close to them. Luckily, they got through the door that was too small for the robot and that was their escape. Sydney quickly dialed Tony's number and to her suprise, he picked up. "He has a suit Tony. Obadiah built a robot and he's in it. He tried to kill me and Pepper, but we got out."

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