When i got back to the living room, Aurora came to me. 

"Where's my mom?" She asked. I can tell in her eyes there was worry. What do i tell her? How can i tell her that Athena won't be coming back? How can i tell her Athena is dead? 

"Your mom- she won't be coming back" I say. I was trying so much not to cry as i saw her beautiful blue eyes fill with tears. I could hear Claire behind me sobbing. I reached to hug Aurora. I carried her for a while as she cried. She then fell asleep in my arms. After i put her to sleep in my bed, i went back to the living room. Issac was talking to both of the two small boys. 

"Emilio, that's Dominic. He's a heir of the Russian mafia." he pointed to the older looking boy. What are we gonna do with him? I can't kill a small young boy because he was just another victim. I tun my head to the other one.

"That's Xander, your son." I scan the boy, he has hazel eyes just like Athena with a hint of evil. I reach out to touch his small face when he quickly slaps my hand away. He fast. 

"I want to go back with my father" he says as he gets up. 

"He is not your father, He stole you from birth. I am your real father. and i will take care of you and your twin sister." he looked taken back but in his eyes i could tell he was a smart boy as well and understood the situation. 

"Alexa!" i call out to one of my maids and she comes quickly. "I need you to take these boys to a guess room and Claire will sleep in  a room  with her daughter. As for Athenas mother, She will sleep in the third floor and be close with Aurora." I dismiss her and leads everyone to the rooms. 

"Issac, Sara, please come with me." I lead them to my office. 

"Issac we will need to care for Dominic. I will place you as his legal guardian and you will raise him to be your son." he nodded and i turned to Sara. 

"Sara, i need your help." She looked confused but nodded. "I think she's still alive" I say. Her eyes widen. I turned to Issac, he must think i'm in denial. 

"I know i sound crazy but, why would he take her body. Oliver wanted to be with Athena, He would so anything to save and force her to be by his side." Sara knew i was right. She nodded and got up. 

"I have to go back to Mexico, I will send a couple hundred guys but by the time i round them up he could be anywhere. I will have them search West of the United States and you the East. She was my friend, and if she is still alive i will do what i can to help you get her back." I got up and thanked her. I'm gonna find her.

Back to present...

We all go down stairs to the back yard. Memories of the night of the pool when i was with Athena always came to mind. I smiled as i saw my kids playing in the pool. They earned it, these past years i have taught, protected, and more importantly, I loved them. My family was here and we've gotten closer since they knew i had kids. Sara was here too celebrating their birthdays. 

Later, they kids were opening presents. We were all eating cake and watching them. In was happy for once in my life. Even if a part of me was still missing.... Even if i spent so little time with her, i felt like i was connected to her. I was still eating when one of my guys came to me with a gift box. 

"Another present?" I asked him. 

"It was dropped off at the gate by a person in a motorcycle. We couldn't see the persons face." he said ad left. I opened the box and inside were two smaller boxes. One said Aurora and the other one....... Emiliano? No one has called Xander that name since... before i could check the small boxes, Aurora and Xander came rushing and took them. They opened them and it was to necklaces. For Aurora it was a beautiful butterfly necklace and Xander got an eagle necklace. Both necklaces had a moonstone. 

There was a letter in the box and i hesitantly opened it. When i read the letter my eyes opened in shock. Everyone looked at me and waited for me to say something. 

I'm coming home. 


Issac, Claire, and Sara came to me and saw the letter. 

I knew it. 

She's still alive and she's coming to us. 

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