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I know most of you want to still not  forgive Taehyung's family but this is last part of forgiveness and I have other ideas for further so this is it.

Taehyung: maybe but I'm going to ignore them a little.

All laughs at his talking way.

Felix: now let's go to your house Tae Tae.

As Taehyung went inside mansion while Felix went to back to his house after dropping Taehyung on door.

As Taehyung enters inside mansion their  was all he can see was darkness all the lights are switched he was not even interested in watching Livin room so with switched off lights he move towards his room as he enters inside his room his room lights are also switched off he just roll his eyes thinking that his family was still in some work .

But as he switched on the lights their was balloons all around his room all the balloons are of green and purple colour he was just surprised their was a balloons in letter saying sorry.

Taehyung just sigh and went inside washroom to change.
After he came back he found out their are different balloons from last time he enters inside bathroom now the balloons say please come downstairs but de doesn't care and sleep for taking a short nap.

While Taehyung family was just waiting for him they knew he will not coming so soon but still they are guilty so they just want to apologize to their baby no matter how much time it was going to take.

Now it's currently 9pm Taehyung didn't want to go down but he was hungry so in his sleeping clothes he went downstairs in search of food and again everything is black he just switch on the light because he doesn't want to bump and hurt himself while finding the way to kitchen.

As he turns the light the living room was decorated with purple and green  balloons and all around their are balloons of wishing him happy birthday and sorry.

He just widened his eyes because the decorations are beautiful as he show in the middle of Living room their was different cakes of wishing him birthday and asking apology from him an on sofa all his family members are sleeping while waiting for the boy to come downstairs he just smile a little while remembering what happens in Felix house he know what they do was wrong but everyone makes mistake even though he was also the one who made most of mistakes and they apologize him immediately so he just pout while thinking a little punishment for him family he went to him mothers room and come back with her makeup and that's it he do the makeup of his family members as their punishment.

As his mother stir a little and open her eyes while her eyes widened seeing her youngest son standing while holding one of her lipstick first she was happy then she frown why he is standing like that holding a lipstick.

Mom: baby why are you holding my lipstick?

Mom: baby why are you holding my lipstick?

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Taehyung: mom that I .

Mom: what?

As she was looking at him confusedly when a shout lost her track to somewhere else.

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