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At night time::::

In Taehyung's room:

Taehyung was lying on the bed while holding his stomach his stomach was hurting so much but he can't tell his hyungs about this.

Taehyung : my stomach is hurting so much I don't know what to do if I told hyungs that my stomach is hurting because I was only eating junk food like Suga hyung said he will show me stars ........ But to do this is hurting so much...

Suddenly he remembers something.

Mmmm yah I remember when hyung has  stomach ache mom give him pain killers yah pain killers but they are at the kitchen but the pain is also so much I have to go.

All his brothers was sitting on the coach doing some office work when he went towards kitchen slowly slowly.

Taehyung took the medicine and ate it without confirming while it is ok or not.

When he was returning to his room his brothers saw him.

Hobi: Tae why are you still up.

Taehyung: hyung I was thirsty and their was no water in my room so I come .

Hobi: ok baby go sleep.

Jin: don't you think Taehyung being so good for past few weeks .

Namjoon: yes hyung we should reward him .

Suga: hmm why don't we ordered his fav food as he was not eating it from long time .

Jungkook: ok I will order it in the morning.
Jimin: my work is done what about you all .

All except jimin: ours to .

Jimin: so let's sleep we  are already late..

Time skip upto morning.

💬So if you even take overrated medicine some made effects on you fast some slow it is not compulsory that you end up dead,💬

Taehyung was now fine not completely he finds himself lacking the energy but know his stomach was not hurting at least.

Taehyung enters dining table with not so much energy his brothers think that he was still sleepy so they don't question him .

Taehyung enters dining table with not so much energy his brothers think that he was still sleepy so they don't question him

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Taehyung: good morning hyungs.

Bts except Taehyung: good morning bub .

Seokjin: are you still sleepy baby .

Taehyung: no hyung.

Suga: then why are you so dull today .

Taehyung become dense after hearing this.
Taehyung: no hyung it's just I'm hungry I will fine after eating something.

spanking trouble maker brother BTS X Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now