Move Forward [38]

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Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just don't understand what could've gone wrong...

I looked down at Nezuko and started to pet her head. I wasn't sure if she was sad because Tanjiro wasn't awake, or if she was sad about what happened. Regardless, she was broken.

Zenitsu: I didn't see it all, but Inosuke filled me in... There was one of the Twelve Kizuki on the train. A Lower Moon.

**A Twelve Kizuki? A Lower Moon too? Surely Kyojuro could handle them.**

Zenitsu: Tanjiro and Inosuke managed to defeat the Lower Moon while Kyojuro, Nezuko, and me protected the civilians.

Y/N: Well?

Zenitsu: Rengoku-san saved every civilian on the Mugen Train, but it's what came afterward that caused problems... Me and Nezuko were out of commission... Tanjiro was stabbed and unable to fight. Inosuke was ordered to stay out of the fight.

Y/N: Out of what fight..?

Zenitsu: Right, sorry... Apparently, according to Tanjiro-

Tanjiro: Akaza...

We both looked over at the bed. I let Nezuko go and she ran over to the bed to see Tanjiro. He started to pet her head as he smiled.

**Akaza? Where have I heard that name before?**

Y/N: Tanjiro, I'm glad to see you up. How're you feeling?

Tanjiro: I've seen better days, but I'll recover. I'm grateful for everybody here looking after me.

Y/N: That's good to hear. Nezuko was worried sick about you.

Tanjiro: I'm sorry I made you worry, Nezuko. I won't do something like that again.

He looked over at me.

Tanjiro: Thank you for looking after her.

I nodded, then got back on topic.

Y/N: You said the name Akaza... Who is that?

Tanjiro winced as he thought back on the memory.

Tanjiro: Upper Moon 3.

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. Being Upper Moon 3 meant that he was one of the 4 strongest demons alive. Other than Muzan l, Upper Moon 1, and Upper Moon 2, there was nobody more powerful. I was starting to understand how a 1v1 with Akaza may have gone horribly.

Tanjiro: He wasn't supposed to be there... Why was he there? Rengoku fought against Upper Moon 3 by himself and held him off long enough to force his retreat.

Zenitsu: But it was too late... Rengoku succumbed to his injuries not long afterward.

Y/N: I'm sorry... I should've been there, but I was too focused on trying to get a Tsuguko. This isn't any of your faults...

Tanjiro: It's not yours either.

**It truly isn't anybody's fault. It's just a case of wrong place, wrong time... But I can't help but feel guilty.**

Y/N: Maybe... Well, thanks for filling me in on what happened, and I apologize if I pressured you, Zenitsu, into talking about it.

Zenitsu: Not at all.

Y/N: I'm gonna go now. Rest up you all.

They watched me as I left the room and closed the door. Tanjiro could likely tell that I was still upset, but didn't want to bring it up right now. I decided to just go about the day as regular and try to be as normal as possible.

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