The Chase Scene

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  *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Come on Purple Rage you've got this little guy!" the large leader of the Arataki gang yelled encouragement at his small Onikabuto fighting a much larger red one. "Oh please Mr Itto, you'll never win against Red Riot" scoffed the small child he was having a beetle fight with. Itto snarled. "Oh we'll see about that you little brat! I know that Purple Rage isn't gonna let me down! Some sweet sweet sweeeet Dango Milk is on the line."

It was mid afternoon and the sun had a warm glow to it, streaking the streets of Inazuma City with fire. The Arataki gang had been in hiding recently, considering the Vision Hunt Decree along with Arataki Itto being a wanted man, they spent most days in Ritou or on Watasumi island. However, there had been some rumours of a kid with the most powerful Onikabuto the land had ever seen and Itto, having that massive ego of his, wanted to challenge said Onikabuto and beat it once and for all. To become the strongest beetle fighter known to Oni kind!

And just as he imagined the world talking about his incredible victory, Purple Rage was thrown onto its back with its small legs waving in the air trying to flip itself back over.

"NNOOOOO! My boy you've FAILED me!"whined the powerful gang leader as he dropped to his knees. The kid he was facing laughed manically at his victory as he took the dango milk and drank it all right there in front of Itto with no hesitation. A small noise came from Itto. It kind of sounded like a whimper or cry from a cat.

Akira knelt down, extending a hand out to Itto. "You okay boss?" he asked with a sad smile. Itto kept his head down, swiping Akira's hand away as he got up by himself, standing tall. "I'm fine...I can handle it" he said clutching his fist to his chest with misted eyes as he looked at the sun. "You're so brave sir!" Genta said wiping away a tear. "A true inspiration to us all" Mamoru sighed. Itto's smug grin reappeared as he whipped his hair.

"Heh yeah I'm pretty amazing, I can't blame you for idolizing me" he said with a smirk. He pointed at the kid with his dark nails. "Good fight kid, your beetle is pretty tough, but I swear I'll find an even stronger warrior beetle and BEAT. YOUR. BUTT!" he laughed loudly as he walked away as though he was the victorious one.

Itto sighed with a smile as he pushed his hair back dramatically. "See boys, that's how you know you're the true winner, by taking defeat as a win in its own sense. That's why they call me Arataki, The Winner of Defeato Itto" he smirked as he pointed his thumbs at himself. "Come on, I'll treat you guys to some food."

The group walked through the streets causing heads to turn as Itto continued to boast about his notorious titles very loudly to his gang and anyone who would listen. Almost as though he had forgotten he was a wanted man....

He slammed his arm on the counter smiling at the owner of the Kiminami Restaurant. "3 of your finest mushroom pizzas miss ma am" he shrugged as he lifted three fingers. Anna smiled at him and his gang nervously. "Uh yeah coming right up" she said awkwardly, turning around to start the process.

Once said pizzas were finished, the gang gasped in unison at the sight and smell of their meal. Without even thanking her, the group dug in like a pack of ravenous wolves. "This is some of the best stuff I've eaten in my life!" groaned Genta as he licked his fingers, Akira and Mamoru nodded in agreement at the statement. Anna smiled weakly at the terrifying sight. "I-m glad you like it? It's uhh Mondstadt recipe. It's pretty popular over there though I'm not sure many like it here" she laughed quietly.

Itto reached over and grabbed Anna's hands within his two massive ones. "This is the best meal I've ever had in my LIFE Ms. Anna! I swear I will spread the word of YOUR PHENOMENAL RESTAURANT to the ENTIRETY OF TYVAT" he roared with shining eyes as a smile. "I swear on my honour as an Oni" he said placing a hand over his heart and one in the air.

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