Captive - Chapter 11

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Eddie's PoV -

I wake to blinding lights and immense pain. Then the terrible memories hit me. They took Venom and Vulcan! Dylan can't survive without Vulcan! They shot me! I jolt awake. I'm in some sort of glass cage. The same ones I saw at the Life Foundation. I look down to my bullet wound to find it's been treated and wrapped in gauzes. However, the pain is still there. My glass cage is only about 8x8 but there is enough room for a cot and a toilet. Once my eyes adjust to the bright lights I can see outside my glass prison. Another similar glass prison sits next to my own. Inside is poor Dylan. He's seemingly unconscious and hooked to different types of machines. The only thing keeping him alive without Vulcan. In front of the two glass prison are two small rounded chambers. Venom is trapped in the larger of the two. He moves around inside obviously trying to get back to me. Vulcan is trapped in a similar but smaller container next to Venom. The poor dark blue symbiot is shaking in fear, cowering in the middle of his glass prison. Seeing my family trapped and in so much pain is enough to break me. I colapse to my knees with tears in my eyes. "How could you do this! How could you be so evil! You're killing my family!" I cry out.

     A PA system beeps to life with an all too familiar voice. "You made an enemy of me, Eddie. Now you suffer the consequences."

     Carlton Drake steps out from a nearby door. He's almost unrecognizable. His face and hands are badly burnt and deformed. "I thought we killed you and your ugly pet," I try to act strong.

"It appears that's just not the case," Drake walks menacingly over to the symbiot's glass cages.

He presses a button on Venom's cage and Venom immediately starts shaking and crying in pain. The cage starts to show hints of red flame. He's cooking my husband alive! "Stop that, your hurting him!" I cry out.

"That's kinda the point but don't worry I won't kill him yet, what's the fun in that?" Drake releases the button but Venom still whimpers in pain obviously inflicted with burns.

"What a cute baby you have here, Eddie," Drake now stands over Vulcan's cage.

"Don't you dare! Vulcan never did anything to you Drake!" I cry out feeing totally helpless.

"Oh, but his parents did," Drake presses a button and a ear splitting noise erupts from inside Vulcan's cage.

The baby symbiot shakes in fear and pain. I can hear his terrible cry and whimpers for help. Moments later Vulcan rapidly starts splitting apart.

"Stop! Please! Hurt me not my family!" I beg to Drake.

"Oh, I intend to but watching your family get torn apart has got to be the most pain you'll ever experienced, isn't it, Eddie?" Drake laughs, "I wonder how long baby Vulcan can stand this noise. Let's see," Drake walks away exiting into the door he came from. Leaving the deadly noise on in Vulcan's cage.

I bang at my own glass trying to break it. I punch the glass till my hands are bloody but to no avail. Vulcan in now in several pieces and scarcely moving. A Life Foundation employee walks by and I beg her to stop the torture of my baby. Without a word she presses a button and the noise ceases. Vulcan lays in pieces whimpering in pain.

     "Thank you!" I slide down the side of my now bloodied cage, "Thank you..."

     The next day brings much of the same. Venom is burnt near death and Vulcan is torture with sound. Drake has his minions extract blood from Dylan and myself. After their torture Drake take pieces of Venom and Vulcan storing them in glass test tubes.

The torture and testing goes on for days. I can tell Venom and Vulcan have nearly had enough. Venom lays silent in his cage. He scarcely reacts to the fire or sound anymore. If I didn't know any better I would think he was gone but I know Drake would excitedly tell me if that was the case. Vulcan has been laying in pieces for days. Too weak to pick himself up. The poor baby only lays there as the sound rips him further and further apart. Dylan has been poked with needles as much as I have. The sadistic Drake has even unplugged my baby's life support as an 'experiment'. Luckily a nice lady always tries to heal my family after the torture is over for the day.

That night I can't sleep. I know my time with my family is almost up and I can't bear it. I have a terrible feeling that tomorrow when the torture commences I will lose Vulcan. He can't take anymore. A quiet beep wakes me from my spiraling thoughts. I look up to see that my cage door is open. I waste no time in exiting. A familiar lady stands next to Venom and Vulcan's cages opening them as well. "Donna?" I ask.

"Hello, Eddie, it's been awhile."

I immediately rush over to Venom and pick my husband up. He feels so weak. His body nearly slips through my fingers but slowly my husband absorbes into my skin. Suddenly, I feel whole again. I cherish the feeling. I tend to Vulcan next. Gently gathering the broken pieces of my child and helping him to become one again.

"It has. I'm glad to see that you're okay. Thank you for saving my family," I reply.

Once Vulcan is whole I carry him to Dylan and Vulcan slowly soaks into his host.

"Actually, when I helped you to uncover Drake he released a symbiot on me. Then he... hurt my family," Donna explains through tears, "I couldn't let him do the same to your family."

Dylan makes a small movement. It's obvious Vulcan is trying to heal him.

"Wait, Drake released a symbiot on you and you survived?" I question.

A yellow and red goo forms outside of Donna. It takes the form of a slim female looking symbiot with long yellow and red tendrils of hair. "This is Scream. She's the only family I have left now."

"Woah. Uh, nice to meet you Scream," I reply.

This escape plan was all Donna's idea. I would have been fine watching you all perish. You caused Donna all her pain.

I suddenly feel very vulnerable without Venom formed next to me but I know my husband is healing. A wave of love and protection surface from inside me letting me know that Venom is still with me and feels my concern.

     "Uhhhh, sorry... Well thank you Donna for not letting us die," I stammer.

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